Galen Marek top 10 7th gen white man with shaved head of hair.

This game is the first time that Uchikoshi pulled an Uchikoshi and it didn't leave me either massively underwhelmed or angry.

Insane how it's been 13 years since this game came out and there still isn't anything that has been able to replicate it.

We all deserve friends as loyal as Delta Squad.

I spent $150 on this and i feel nothing but immense regret doing so.

This is very reminiscent of when I lived in Northwestern Maryland for two years

How to beat The Missing Link:
1.) Uninstall it before you even boot up the game.

I will break into Casey Hudson's and John Riccitiello's houses and make them feel unsafe.

This review contains spoilers

Shooting my friend in the face made this all worth it

"Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds."