227 Reviews liked by MagicLad_Ty

Out of all the games to write a serious honest review on the quality of something as a video game... Plumbers Don't Wear Ties sounds like one of the funny ones to do.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is a game most known today from the AVGN reviews. It's weird, it makes no sense, it's loud, there's nudity; it's easy to remember its infamy. It's one of the earlier examples of what we would call a visual novel today... and even that is a stretch because I counted I think a total of 3 decisions in total that me, the player, could make.

Yes, it's weird. Yes, it tried something different. No, that doesn't mean it's remotely good. The game was clearly made to be a cheeky adult comedy game, but the game is infinitely more boring than it is humorous. Actually, I would argue it's literally anything else more than it is funny. Infuriating? Depressing? Ugly? They all work. I'm genuinely convinced that this was made by and for a porn company trying to tap into a different media market. They clearly didn't take making this game very seriously, allowing a small argument that it's self aware, but a bad game is a bad game. Even if it's self aware it's stupidly bad, that doesn't take away the fact that it's stupidly bad.

I give it the lowest score I can possibly think of, which to me is reserved best for games that have me sad someone had to waste money to discover how terrible/unplayable something turns out to be.

1 star for Sheikah fit link + 2 stars for how I felt when first playing the game + 0 stars for longevity

Really beautiful game about something that starts so simple and becomes so complicated and deep. Messages of motherhood, abandonment, and sacrifice are so perfectly told even with the lacking technology to make such a story-heavy game. The weird humor in the game (uh officer, the woman offered me a drink, so I drank it duh???) adds to it all of course too haha. Personally, this game is just as beautiful, possibly more, than Mother 3 to me.

This game was previously a 4/5 for me and I looked forward to playing it everyday. But then the New York Times got their grubby little mitts on it. And you know what they fucking did? They got rid of swear words. Yep. Thats right. Now my daily tradition of using whore first and always has been shattered. What's even the point of playing anymore? This is everything thats wrong with capitalism. Big company buy little nice wholesome thing and ruin it and litter it with data trackers to spy on you and advertise you more of Gwenyth Paltrows goop. This is why I am now an anti-economist and will no longer be participating in the world with currency. The New York Times will NOT censor me. LADIES, NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU

A lovely demonic cyberpunk rpg that makes you feel like you gotta pay the bills, do your demonic finances, hack the planet, hang out with your friend who's possessed by a demon that acts like a character you'd make for your friend who wouldn't take a D&D campaign seriously play as, make some questionable mini-buddies, play with your cool new alien doll friend that gets angrier the more you feed it, and maybe even get the one of the most melancholic reality checks I've seen in an RPG

Honestly I am really not a fan of this style of gameplay for Zelda, I feel it is missing what I loved about previous games including: story, pacing, item progression, and the most important part dungeon design which i feel is non existent.

which sure a lot of shrines have decent puzzles but id prefer a couple big dungeons with themes progressions, and different aesthetics not that the shekinah vibe isn't cool but it gets really old.

there is a lot of interesting ideas with the characters but they do nothing with them minus maybe Sidon, Zelda herself is super interesting concept wise but the only way to get her story is through optional flashback memories that you can get out of order, because god forbid we have to make gamers watch a cutscene like previous Zelda games.

I think botw having skippable cutscenes is a good thing I know not everyone is crazy about story in games especially Zelda games like me, so id say its a plus but it really still bothers me that they waste a lot of potential with the plot.

open world games are not really my jam either way too much open space when I prefer structure, not that I am against player choice and picking dungeons, unfortunately that means you have everything you need for a dungeon which runs into the open world issue of a lot of things being the same, or the link between worlds issue where the puzzles are the one item you need or the wall link mechanic from that game.

Im not against picking dungeons but also I think the games should have proper pacing with it

also the same elements aren't just with the world but each weapon is mostly the same and enemies are mostly the same they just get more spongey.

it more concerns me of the future of the series but if it continues oh well I can always replay the 3d zelda games i love

people talk about this game like it's some groundbreaking, breathtaking, wonderful pinnacle of video games and i really wish i understood that. this game feels really nice to move around in, its visuals are really appealing and its score is pretty cute. but there's not much of a real narrative (or writing at all), no memorable characters, no cool side-quests, no dungeons, a pitiful lack of enemy variety + almost no bosses, and nothing that made exploring feel worthwhile. most of it feels like filler check-list fluff (towers, shrines, koroks). the world is well-designed but there's not much substance inside of it beyond its sandbox elements. i genuinely feel like, insane for not liking this the way people talk about it but i just do not see it personally. it's just okay!

The game parents gave to kids who wouldn't shut up about wanting a pet dog (It's me, I'm kids).

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Wow, I went into this game already knowing it was the Professor Layton game that everyone raved as the best of the best, and they weren't kidding. In fact, when a friend told me this was one of the best video games they ever played, I went ahead and bought and played the first two in order to fully enjoy Unwound Future, and I'm so glad I did it.

This game is beautiful in story, fully having me enthralled with Layton's past and his love life. The twist at the very end where Celeste really was Claire all along had me crying along with Layton. Luke bringing up him leaving at the end felt like it came out of nowhere in the game, but I was so emotionally invested I really didn't care. It felt right.

I never imagined a Professor Layton game to affect me so emotionally, everything in the story so perfectly fell into line for me. It had me completely enthralled wanting to hear more. I didn't care that I could tell from the start that "Future Lucas" obviously had ill intentions, but I honestly didn't care to see how predictable that was. I was invested.

The gameplay was also just a great improvement, having mini boss battles in the moment so perfectly engrained to the puzzle system, and having the final bosses of the game actually feel the pressure of a final boss that the earlier games were missing.

Why a 4 over a 5 though when everything seems so perfect? Well, to be completely honest, some of the puzzles annoyed me in that they were less so puzzles and more so making kids do basic algebra in order to solve them. A large amount of the puzzles I felt involved having to do math which honestly... good on them for making such a great educational game. Additionally, the story IS all over the place, but is charming enough that I was able to brush it off a bit. Though, I can't blame people for being annoyed at the mess of it.

I finished the game 10 minutes ago and am already recommending it to everyone I can. An amazing conclusion to the original trilogy.

You’re telling me those are Robotnik’s GLASSES and not his deep soulless demon eyes???

… I gotta go tell 4 yr old me some stuff.

I just KNOW the clown guy stinks good.

The game that secured Luigi as the sex symbol we now know and love.

This is the Persona 2 people should be paying more attention to, honestly.