Replayed it through Retroarch for the achievement features. Had fun with it as always. Been on a real nostalgic kick lately for some reason. I usually dont replay games very often nowadays.

Replayed it recently. Might play the spinoffs some time for fun too. Not really in the mood to get into anything too heavy lately. But yeah peak fiction. Also "for kids between the ages of 6 to 35 years old" in the corner so ITS STILL FINE FOR ME TO PLAY FOR A WHILE

Played again for a billionth time. Never did finish the Steam version tho so I used my recent free time to do just that. 10/10 they really don't make em like they used to frfr

Cool short little game. Beat it in exactly 58 minutes and it was an enjoyable little brainteaser.

A really fun but tricky game. Hard to describe but man was it a blast. Very short, only 6 levels, but they can really kick your ass. Highly recommended. But yep, glad this was the first thing I decided to knock out of my Japanese ps1 backlog after coming back from a long time living in Japan and accumulating a lot of random games.

I can't believe I finally finished it. But I finally dedicated myself to it and man the story gets super hype near the end. I'm extremely excited to keep going with the second game. Though it is a shame I can't save transfer cuz I have an NTSC copy and my other ones are european versions lol

What a game, man. Really loved the cast and the world traversal was very fun too. Between this and SO4 and 5 (Which both I loved despite some flaws), this was definitely my favorite. Since the release of this, the franchise has been healing and I couldn't be happier about that fact, since 3 is one of my favorite games of all time.

I love Sonic dude. This is a fun collection. Adds some cutscenes connecting all the events into one coherent package. Great stuff.

I was craving some more cozy experience recently, and Lego was just the thing to satiate that. First time playing this one and man I loved it. Especially since this was before they had voice acting so it was extra charming. Might 100% eventually

First time playing at 60hz and it was neat, but I gotta say the European version has a waaaay better localization. But yeah, what else to say other than it was a banger. I hope sony one day sees the error of their ways and makes a new one.

New Camp/Water Mage playthrough

Pure joy to replay Gothic from start to finish. I love this port too, as it restores bits and pieces of cut/broken content, as well as just feels fun to play with new controls. Beat it in only like 3 days too lol.

Finally finished it for the first time. I played bits and pieces of the games when I was a kid but never cleared any of them. Very cool game, though the encounter rate did get tedious. But yeah, loved it. Only 9hrs long too.

First time beating this classic. Man what a game. Really short but leaves an impact for sure. Not surprised this is often cited as one of the best of all time.

First game I finished on my "New" Master System. Very short Sonic game, but it was an enjoyable game still. Better than the game gear counterpart for sure.


I can see why this is considered one of the quintessential ps2 era games. It was a special experience that really sticks out amongst a lot of other games of its time. The story is quite vague, but I loved it regardless.