Great puzzle game I think about all the time. Dont have a disc with it anymore and its near impossible to find anywhere, but the game is awesome.

I played it over and over as a kid. Really unique idea for a puzzle game. Highly recommend it.

It was cool. I remember getting it in a video game magazine. Never beat it, but I recall it being pretty open ended and fun. Maybe I'll replay it one day.

Grew up with this one. I found it super scary as a kid, but it was also super fun picking up everything all over the place and figuring out what to use on what. Super fun point n click adventure game.


This is a childhood favourite of mine. Brutally difficult, but still am amazing platformer.

I am not gonna beat around the bush. This game was not fun. At all. I'll give it a benefit of the doubt and say maybe it was just this remake, but it was such jank from start to finish. I was relieved when the credits rolled. RIP my girl Popoi tho its messed up what they did to ya. Considering the game's legacy, I feel like it deserved a remake at the scale of Trials of Mana instead of this janky mobile game tier thing. Gah I'm gonna remember this as a bitter experience :/

Might just have to put this on my best of all time list. This was such a good game... I really hope they release SO Blue Sphere soon as well. Either as DLC or as a full release. I need more Claude and Rena. But yeah besides Blue Sphere, I have now finished every Star Ocean game! Woooo!

What a gut punch at the end...
But yeah, funny game for most of the run. Zack is such a lovable dork and I'm even more curious what Part 3 is gonna do with him. I actually played around half of the psp original but never finished it, but I will say I think I prefer the original lower polygon look? Also the new voice for Zack I just did not like cuz it just felt like a bad imitation of the old voice. But anyways, the game ending was probably not as hardhitting as it would've been back in the day (cuz of remake shenanigans), but it was still amazing. It was also nice to finally get more context on Genesis, since I played Dirge as a kid and had no idea who this bozo was. But yeah I'm also mega curious how Square will tackle Dirge of Cerberus when we get to it.

Not often does a game capture my heart quite like this. I had a stupid grin from beginning till end, and I couldn't put it down since launch. Every day, just thinking about getting back from class just to get a little further, just like I used to when I was a kid. It really did recapture the magic of the original whilst masterfully adding to it. Nothing short of a masterpiece. Writing this as credits roll at 2am, with my in game timer being roughly 90 hrs. I never expected this to be as content rich as it was. But I did all the world intel quests as well. Maybe I'll go for a platinum too? It really was that good that I might go for it.

Tomb Raider 1:
Couldn't earn the game completion trophy due to a power outage which corrupted my save (ON THE LAST LEVEL TOO), and I couldn't be bothered to play everything all over again so I cheated to get back to the last level. It really dampened my feeling of accomplishment. But that aside, I had a blast with this! It was so fun to replay this classic with a new coat of paint. It was lovely. Honestly big recommendation from me already. Excited to go to 2 now. I played these games all the time with my mom as a kid so this rerelease in general feels really special to me.
[Will update after beating 2 and 3]

This is the reincarnation of Jesus in video game form. This is a biblically legendary conclusion/bridge for what's to come. Mega glad I played Xenosaga first as well. The satisfaction from all the payoffs here is a rare treat that I don't get to feel that often in gaming. I am so absurdly excited for whatever the Xeno series has in store for us next. I hope we get to see Kos-mos again personally.

Finally beat one of the rarest games in my collection. And holy **** this was a masterpiece. Up near top of its class for the PS2. I am now dying for this to be revived in some form and hope the rumors about it being tied further into Xenoblade are true. The only xeno games I have left to play as of writing this are Xenogears and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed, and I'm excited to move onto those now.

Takes elements from mgs2 and condenses them into a smaller experience and tbh I had fun with this! It's meant to take place some time before mgs2 and yeh I liked the premise for what it was. Setting up the emulator was a bit of a chore but it was worth it. Any excuse to play around a bit more with younger solid snake from that era is a pleasure.

I always felt really sour towards this game. Long before it even came out. But honestly? It was alright. Yea David Hayter isnt in it, but the game's gameplay loop was kinda enjoyable. But most of it did feel a bit repetitive too. When the plot actually happened, it was interesting and engaging. But very often it was buried under pointless missions. Also the level design of the bases was very bland and hardly comparable to the meticulously designed rooms of the past games. Its also very weird how snake barely ever speaks. I feel like snake's or raiden's input was always one of the best parts of every metal gear. But anyway, it's complete. I have finished the entire series after putting this game off for so many years...
I still see this as Kojima leaving with a wet fart.

A replay but first time playing this version. Last time I played it was in my early teens on the 360, so I had fond memories of it. However, whilst the gameplay holds up, the dialogue has aged and has the hurr durr early 2010s energy to it that is just cringe today. Doesn't detract from its quality tho! Still a fun puzzle game, although easier than I remember.