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Zguvat backloggd King of Seas

13 mins ago

RinoDino finished Castlevania: The Adventure
Greetings everyone. I'm "proud" to present the first Konami title released on the Game Boy, titled Clutch: The Video Game.

Castlevania: The Adventure is certainly an early Game Boy title. One that I feel like Konami didn't really optimize well, as this game is filled with plenty of slowdown. Other Castlevania games like Super Castlevania IV are also known for their slowdown, but this one is pretty egregious with it, since the game is so slow.

Controls seem stiffer than the ones in the original NES trilogy and the game's slow-ass speed doesn't help at all.
And this complements with the game's level design.

You'll be jumping through plenty of tiny-ass platformers that you'll just barely land on; battling enemies that will constantly annoy you, and in Stage 2's case, find a dead-end and have to go back. That backtracking is filled with eye-ball enemies that will explode parts of the bridge you're passing, so be careful in not destroying the bridge too much, so you won't be able to come back.
Also, I hope you didn't reach the end of that dead-end, because if you die, you will respawn at the end of it, making the backtracking pretty atrocious.

In addition, there are no sub-weapons to be found in this game, which they really could've come in handy. There are power-ups that you can get for your whip which, if maxed out, can give you a projectile.
But maintaining the fucking thing is really hard, because one hit, and you lose it immediately.

In regards to the presentation, it's okay. I've already mentioned how slow the game can be, but the graphics themselves are decent for an early Game Boy title, and the music ain't too shabby, even if I didn't find it as catchy as the NES trilogy.

In conclusion, Castlevania: The Adventure is not really the best of games, thanks to its clutch level design, slow and stiff controls and just not being fun to go through.

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