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A brilliant first entry into the God Of War franchise. This game sets the tone perfectly for all entries to come, with gameplay and story enjoyable enough to keep you invested for its relatively short runtime. In hindsight with all the games after this, God Of War 1 is given an extra depth of enjoyment to see where it all began. The story is told in an interesting way, unveiling Kratos' past in small chunks to keep you invested through all the fighting and puzzle-solving. It's definitely the more simple of the other stories in the franchise, but its a perfect start that sets the foundation for Kratos' arc as far as Ragnarok. The gameplay is concrete and fun, but it does feel like the skeleton of a system that is perfected in the following entries. The art style is amazing, it really feels like I'm watching a greek mythology epic sprout from the page. The cartoony style helps mask the age in graphics. The soundtrack is perfection, with booming choirs and orchestral pieces that match the grandiose nature of everything about this game. Overall, this game is the most reserved compared to everything else, but that doesn't make it any less fun.

This game expands on the first in every aspect. Bigger story, better animations, refined combat and traversal, enhanced world-building and art-style; pretty much a step up everywhere. This game perfectly sets up the third entry, and by the end I was left excited to keep playing.

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The masterful finale to Kratos' Greek saga. This game book-ends every aspect about the trilogy in peak form. The combat is more fluid than ever, with flashy animations and impactful blows that make combat a joy to play. Complementing this is the sheer scope of every boss fight in the game, and there's a lot of them. Acting as the final battle between the titans, gods and monsters of the Greek world, Kratos has a lot of people he needs to kill, and it has never been more fun. Every boss is a bombastic set-piece that serves as a swan-song for the epic scale of the Greek trilogy. Alongside the gameplay, the graphics are noticeably upgraded since the previous entries, and especially on PS5, this game looks really good. The story could not have been handled better, with Kratos' arc of vengeance being tied up nicely, whilst also introducing story elements that add nuance and help the story not feel so black-and-white. Throughout these games, we have been with Kratos every step of the way, through every battle and sorrow, and so by the trilogy's end, I was left feeling satisfied and eager for a new beginning...

Perfect ending to a perfect series.

A beautifully chaotic story with simple yet gripping characters set against the backdrop of a world so ridiculous yet enthralling that I missed it upon leaving. GTA V presents a story with a million themes and with everything to say, yet nothing to say. That's kind of the beauty of it: everyone can take something different from it, and for me, that's perfect for a game like this.

A generic game with a poor gameplay loop held together by good acting and interesting writing to keep you playing until the end. If Marvel's Avengers was not held back by being a live service, this game could have been really good; even great. Look to Guardians Of The Galaxy as an example of what you can make when not held back by greedy business practise. Unfortunately, that's not the case for Marvel's Avengers, and so instead we are left with some slabs of good story content held together by sticks and mud.

Vibes. Good story. Great characters.

A painting of emotion and powerful storytelling

Favorite FPS, favorite Far Cry, one of my favorite games.

A fun addition to cap off Fenyx's arc