22 reviews liked by Marvin1

Yeah, the missing cutscenes are unacceptable and Tartarus can be a bit of a slog, but the themes and characters of this game are so incredible that I really didn't mind it. We all die, that is for certain. It's how we use our short time here that matters.

This was so good! Its a lot goofier than i expected but also a lot more touching. Definitely a bit niche but i loved it so much i immediately bought the second

I think this game has the best ending of all time

Looking at the very specific type of people who enjoy both I feel safe to say this is the Serial Experiments Lain of video games

A game with some flaws and what not, but it still remains to be one of my favorite games of all time.

Persona 4 is actually really great when you don't have some chucklefuck in your ear telling you it's mid.

Now that I've completed all mainline persona games, I can finally say they're all perfect

Felt happier at the ending than I did graduating High school

daxter is the kind of guy to get cancelled in 2020 for a tweet he made in 2011



Went back to this and I WANT BULLY 2!