I definitely didn't expect that the sequel to the great Condemned: Criminal Origins goes this way.
Some missions WERE FRUSTRATING as the combo-system is just too slow for some enemies. Some boss fights sucked immensely (looking at you Harley Quinn-wannabe in the doll factory with exploding baby dolls) but some sequences were so damn crazy, that it was fun as hell (the bear in the lodge). I wasn't expecting so much shooting, too but it was pretty satisfying. Yeah the story cranks the insanity up to 11 but did I hate it? Nah... I was just a bit sad that the sequel was turning the crime investigation part lower and lower as the game is nearing the finale.

Gotta say. I love both games. <3

My god, I REALLY want to like this game but man... EA really choked the life out of this IP with their stupid decisions. Isaac and Ellie don't even make sense after all they've been through on Dead Space 2. Dunno... Dead Space 3 became so generic it hurts.


That was much much more interesting than everything the main game offered and well... the ending was a huge middle finger to the franchise and probably even to EA.

They tried to improve the game, but did they succeed? Not really to be honest...

Miles better than the PS2 version. BY FAR!

Good game but SCREW THAT SNIPER MISSION IN FRANCE AND THE D-DAY MISSION! It's agonizing! The character feels pretty slow in changing weapons etc. BUT the gunplay is still fun. Stealth on the other hand... is pretty bad but well the game is 20 freaking years old so I guess that's a thing. Some missions were really entertaining and some felt pretty bad designed but it was overall pretty fun.

It's definitely an idtech-shooter but it layed a foundation of WWII-shooters on PC to come.

This is a fascinating approach to a portable Spider-Man game, as this one is pretty much Spider-Man 1.5.

It takes the gameplay from the first game and puts it in the environment of the second film, which pretty much works. :D

I dig these odd ports!

This became one of my recent faves. If you can: Play the 360-version on a newer Xbox-Console. It works so much better than the weird PC-Port.

Condemned is a gem of gritty crime-stories, which just turns absolutely crazy in the end and MY GOD... the shopping mall haunts me till this day. Those freaking mannequins...
I love the grounded approach on the investigation and the fighting is also damn fun. Monolith are really a hidden champion when it comes to their games!

A nice little puzzle game. Yeah. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less.

I have an odd relation to the first Kane & Lynch. When I first played it on the PS3, I absolutely HATED this game. Everything felt so clunky and not precise. I couldn't hit ANYTHING with these damn weapons and wasted a lot of ammo, but the PC-version is miles better. Writing wise, IO Interactive tried hard to catch the vibes of Reservoir Dogs or Heat, but it falls mostly flat. But I really need to say, that I dig the downward spiral this game goes... even though the ending is pretty shit. A tale of two detesting human beings, who just fuck up all the time and even jump into a Guerilla War, which reminded me from the mechanics a lot of their previous game "Freedom Fighters".

It's cool that they included "Plan to eradicate the Saiyans", although Hatchiyack is kinda... eh. Sometimes unbalanced but it still plays better than the previous DBZ-Game. Btw screw these "near death-battles... they just suck.

There are some moments and sections, that frustrated me a bit BUT the story, artstyle and atmosphere kept me going. I'm not a huge fan of inventory backtracking but that's part of the genre and it's definitely better managable here than in other Horror-Games.

If THIS is a debut... I really want to know where Rose Engine will be going after this as this game blew me away! <3

Max Payne 3 is still a good game but some decisions by Rockstar were odd. Especially the retcons from the events in Max Payne 2. Dunno... it feels odd to me how they tried to brush the events from the 2nd game as unimportant.

It feels like a Rockstar Game from its writing, details, style and dialogue. I never heard Max in such an aggressive way but maybe he became just cynical after all the shit he's been through with alcohol and substance abuse. It has its problems but it's still a very good game in my eyes as the game mechanics and the cover system are damn satisfying and every move Max makes feels heavy and weighty.

It's basically Quick time Events-The Game but for an interactive documentary... it's far from bad but it's also far from good. Legends of Wrestlemania lets you play some matches from Wrestlemania 1 to 15. Kinda cool to see how the showcase mode as a concept came to life here before establishing itself in WWE 13. The roster is also pretty good although some wrestlers like Roddy Piper look weird.

All in all... I had a bit fun with it but it fades in comparison to the SvR-Series, which is actually a totally different game with a different system.

Short but sweet, a little bit too much Style over Substance but it oozes with charme from the animation studio Madhouse. Feels kinda like an arcade experience even if it tries more. What starts as a crime killing spree à Woo and Rodriguez becomes a wtf-experience in the end. Some bosses were pretty meh and kinda unfair but the scope of Destruction was pretty damn cool for its time. Yeah. I give this a thumbs up!

Kane & Lynch 2 is close to art. Really REALLY close to fucked up art. From the first second onward the game establishes, that the whole world of Kane & Lynch is just fucked. The places are dirty, unrecognizable, smeary and full with blood and bodies in the back-alleys. The ending of the first game showed our scumbags on a really low level... but the downward spiral just continues in this cover-shooter. Absolutely disgusting, but man does this game stick with me after all this time.