It's legit the best way to play the classic Sonic Games as of today. The basic improvements like resolution are there, the mission mode is super fun and the new cutscenes are fantastic! The lost music for Sonic 3 does suck, but I think the replacement tracks are fine. So overall a great experience!

Fantastic upgrade to the more basic SML1. It improves upon it in every aspect and adds so much more. It especially has a very unique identity of its own with its level design, world maps, power ups and enemy designs.
I finished it first as a child and still thoroughly enjoyed it today! The final stage is also a great challenge for veteran players. Play it!

The All-Stars variant is actually playable due to not being an endurance run of your own sanity. The level design is still cruel, unfair and ass on many occasions though. But overall still okay.

It's a good first Gameboy Mario game. The physics are weird, especially the running and it's very very short, but also a fun time! The music is incredible though, every tune is an insane bop.

An absolutely fantastic Pikmin title! It combines and improves upon so many aspects of the previous titles. It is essentially a perfected version of Pikmin 2 with challenges that capture the planning routines of 1 and 3. I also loved the expanded base camp and the added sense of character progression with the Pikmin limit, equipment and Oatchie, who is absolutely goated. Finally, it is filled with so much content while staying fresh from beginning to end. My only complaint is that it's way too easy.

It's simply Mario in its purest form - super simple and super fun!

Simply one of the best 2D Mario games of all time, especially in its All-Stars variant, and is just pure fun. It absolutely stands the test of time. Play it!

An absolute love letter to everyone who has played Xenoblade since part 1. Daddy Shulk and Daddy Rex is the best thing that could ever happen to us, but I've grown very fond of Matthew as well :D
We also got so much lore and hints for the future! Am just incredibly happy to be a Xenoblade fan since day 1 <3

The first game in my journey to finally play through all the main line FFs. It's a solid first start, very basic but good for some casual fun.

Absolutely carried by its somewhat confusing story. I liked the junction-system initially, but it shows its limits not too far into the game. Still fun to use though! Storywise it was driven and carried by Squall and Rinoa, especially Squall. He's probably the most relatable FF protagonist to me. Overall I really enjoyed it!

Verfrüht beendet, nachdem ich keine Lust mehr auf die letzten paar Sidequests hatte wegen unnötigem grind.

Für mich ist Arceus ein wichtiger Schritt für das Franchise, da es wirklich was ganz neues ausprobiert. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß mit dem Spiel (immerhin 75h) und freue mich auf Verfeinerung in zukünftigen Games. Leider ist es wirklich an vielen Stellen unfertig, allen voran grafisch. Daher kann ich nur 7/10 geben.

Finally finished all the DLCs along with Final Horizons. It's definitely rather janky and has some unfair challenges (looking at you, Master King Coco), but overall I enjoyed the difficulty, especially during the Cyberspace Stages. I expected more from the finale though, even if it was pretty intense. But I do like the direction that Sonic Team is taking!

Sonic Superstars is best described as a fun platformer with a few questionable design choices. I enjoyed my time with it and the boss fights had some good ideas, but were too frustrating at times. At the end of the day the game is very arzesty :D

Endlich das erste 3D-Kirby und was für ein Start in die dritte Dimension! Haben es Coop auf 100% gespielt und wirklich jede Minute genossen. Wundervolle Levels, unglaublich süße Momente und zum Ende hin echt schwere Boss Fights. Freue mich auf mehr 3D-Kirby!

Such a charming and endearing game! I played the original for the first time on the Wii VC in English since it never released in Europe. So this time I played it with the new German translation. The localizers simply did an amazing job!

The game itself is a wonderful beginner RPG with straightforward gameplay and fun minigames and sidequests. It got me super excited for the upcoming TTYD remake!