14 reviews liked by Matt

Why does sometimes it plays gay sound clips when you die and sometimes it doesn't

So much worse than the original in almost every way.

All of the carefully constructed encounters of the original are replaced with enemies being haphazardly placed everywhere. The super shotgun is great but the level design really went to shit.

Interesting enough but it doesn't feel like it fully explores the possibilities of the mechanics. It's alright but I find it strange that it seems to be so highly praised.

The best puzzle game since Tetris.

The gameplay changes were absolutely refreshing, especially after the weak fourth entry. However, the writing in this is downright laughable, and just never feels right.

Carrion proves its possible for a 6 hour game to be too long. Carrion has a strong initial gameplay hook, but despite adding a few more powers and enemy types along the way, only gives a small handful of things to do over its samey areas. You will be doing the same couple of combat encounters and puzzles the entire way through. I don't think the game is bad really, and controlling the monster is extremely satisfying, its just stretched thin over the course of 6 hours.

I played this fantastic updated version of Asteroids on the Game Boy Color. Much more complexity to it than the original.

Matt powerscaling matters and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

assuming you play the jp version patched, this is one of the coolest platformers on the snes. a nice balance between exploration and fast-paced gameplay with tight controls and tons of moves under your belt. it also isn't a twinbee game without fantastic sound and visuals!

Somehow taking Rayman out of the equation made a funny rabbids game. DON"T KNOW HOW THATS POSSIBLE.