Fun gimmicky game! Can be beaten and even platinumed in one sitting.

Beautiful, fun game to play. But the child-like story and lack of challenge didn't appeal to me much. Makes me want to retry the OG to get that edgy tone back.

Liked it, but I don't think it was as impressive as Insomniac pitched. I think I miss the more crass R&C. Trophies weren't nearly as fun as they could have been, either. Still very worth playing!

This game is an excellent alternate take on the Souls/Borne/Kiro franchise. Was blown away by it 'til the very end.

Plays around with movement and puzzles in an interesting way. Didn't get as challenging as I'd like, but the aesthetics and presentation were excellent.

Writing was excellent. Ends super quick though - feels like budget constraints or they ran out of time. DLC helps though. Combat was passable but needs some refinement which I’m sure it gets in the sequel.

I liked the challenge this DLC presented, but that’s about it. It was fine.

Story was mid. Missions, Strand, gameplay elements, etc. were great.

Another perfectly okay DLC. Some of the more interesting setpieces in any Alan Wake 1 content, but the combat is stretched to its limits here. Still really dig the words mechanic and hope something like it makes it into AW2. Starting that tonight.

I need to replay this, but I remember being blown away by what they achieved here. Playing The Quarry was a bit disappointing which made me remember Until Dawn even more fondly.