Sometimes Mugen can be a fun time waster and sometimes it can be a pretty high quality Fighting game engine but sometimes its just fucking Broken and not fun

I wonder sometimes What Person i would be if i never Played this game
The best way to describe Kingdom hearts is that its a mess but a wonderful mess that a part of me still loves to this day

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Hoo boy what a game this might be my favorite dreamcast game it has such an interesting story and it has amazing music composed from Shoji meguro this game has a great combat system at first it was weird but after a while i got used to it and its really fun after you get the hang of it and the ranking and brainjacking mechanic is cool and the boss fights are really cool too some bosses are fun as hell and some need you to pay attention to there pattern and punish them when there open which i really enjoy and the artwork for this game is beautiful this might be kazuma kaneko's best work and this game has multiple endings like the megami tensei games and i got the ending where geist offers you to Save Kei or Save Sagami i just picked sagami cus i knew if i picked kei it would lead me to unsatisfying ending i really enjoyed this game but i will not deny that this game has some issues like some stages being annoying as fuck (looking at you brazil) but even tho some stages are annoying i still really enjoyed and i want to give a shoutout to my best friend śżąńęł for introducing me this game and helping me with some parts of it Love ya śżąńęł :>

Game has an amazing story and that final cutscene goddamn shit got me sad but combat sucks So yeah

me and my friends on vc watched one of our friends play this game and he was very very mad so bad game 1/10 atleast its not dmc devil may cry lol

my Polish Friend śżąńęł Forced me to watch the Cutscenes of this game so i haven't even played it lol its very weird the only thing i remember from it was How did the sephiroth looking guy turned into a woman after he injected himself with the t virus and he later died because he was too fat,fat fuck lmaoooooooo anyways i give this game a 4/10 very weird game it has shinkiro art so it gets 3 points

Game gave me actual mental issues and made me mentally insane So 6.3/10 Fun game