Art Style is fucking amazing and it looks so fucking good on PC game is fun Playing as Venom is actual Kino and The story is pretty damn good overall best spiderman game ever made

fun game Music is great visuals are nice Cool gameplay But a little Basic And Chesto is kino af

"A Thinking Man's Masterpiece"

Near Perfect Fighting game

Amazing Cast of Characters Rock Is literally the fucking coolest character SNK has ever made and Terry Has his Best Design and the fucking coolest Super ever made And Freeman and Grant are So fucking Cool

Amazing Music Spread the wings,Sunrise on the train,All Over With Blood,Fullmoon ~ Heartfull are my favs from the OST

Beautiful Visuals Rock's animation is a work of art with the Follow through animation with his Jacket the Stages look Phenomenal and Terry got his best sprite He has ever gotten everybody else also looks Great

The Gameplay is Amazing The TOP system is really fun to mess around with i don't really have anything to say about the gameplay other then its really fun and also Why the fuck is Rock and Freeman Low tier

In conclusion Garou is SNK's masterpiece Probably the best FG they have ever made with Superb Visuals,Amazing gameplay,Great Music with an amazing cast of characters.

Why does sometimes it plays gay sound clips when you die and sometimes it doesn't

Good Music,Nice Sprite work but game itself is literally a fucking nightmare,IK's LITERALLY WIN THE WHOLE GAME But good luck even pulling off the IK's if the game even allows you to And this game So many fucking Infinites Holy Fuck

i hope this game gets hit by a Car

Welcome To The King of Iron Fist Tournament

Pretty Fun Read,This Game is like 1 Hour long So its Really Short I'll run down my thoughts on all of the Chapters of it

Alliance Of illusionary Eyes: Good Story but the Middle and first Half of it are Kinda boring,But the Last part With Shiki was Really Cool and This is one of the only times you can see Shiki's sprite and Seo Akira is pretty Neato. The scene of the fake Shiki Referencing Arcueid's route and How Fucked up Shiki's Past Was Great.

Geccha: Pretty Fun Story. i like how They were Self Aware about Some of the Plot holes in Tsuki and Some of the jokes here are actually pretty Funny So i'll give it that.

Geccha 2: Poor Yumizuka :(. This is a really Cool Side story and probably the best one I love Satsuki and Neco arc's Dialogue and i love How They Show Concept art for The Fabled Satsuki Route. Maybe in the Tsuki Remake we can finally get the satsuki route.

Kinoko's Masterpiece Experimental Theater: Dear God. this is the shortest Story On This game and its pretty weird. it lives up to its Name tho
if i would give this game a Rating i think a 7/10 is fine
its really nothing special its fun for what it is.

i dropped this game learning that you can't save I might pick it up later So far this game is pretty Mid Music and artworks are fucking beautiful tho

My Polish buddy's Favorite Game And its really fun with mods and with your buddies even tho i suck at it

This review contains spoilers

I love this game. I've sunken so many hours on this stupid anime game i found from a Fun fighting game,This is probably my favorite visual novel ever made The story and Characters From this Game is Some of my favorite. i'm just gonna run down my thoughts about every route

Arcueid's Route: Great First Route With My favorite Character from This game Arcueid Even thought She's Not that Deep of a character. I just can't help but Love her She has a fun charming Personality and She has One of my favorite designs ever made,This Route is easily Carried By Arcueid's character everything else is either Good or Meh The only part i can say is actually Bad is Roa,Were gonna get to him when i talk about Ciel's route overall good route

Good Ending: Disgustingly Boring Ending really sad that Kagetsu tohya follows after this ending

True Ending: Beautiful Bitter Sweet Ending Easily the best Thing about this Route

Ciel's route: Amazing route Might be my favorite Ciel is a great Character With Powered ciel having one of the coolest designs Takeuchi Has ever made. This route Really Develops Roa well. In Arcueid's Route Roa is kind of a Chump but in Ciel's route You understand his motives My only Big problem With this Route is the amount of lore Dumps and the amount of Scenes they reuse from Arcueid's route

True ending: Amazing way to end this route

Good end: This ending Kinda Blows tbh Like It has Roa's best scene but that's pretty much it its basically the "harem" ending which is despise

Akiha's route: Ok route I didn't want to Do this route at first because its Step incest,but it Surprised me That there's actually Some pretty good stuff in it like Satsuki Whole story,Ciel's Involvement in this Route My Big Problem with this Route is Of course the incest It hurts so much because this could have been a really good romance if it wasn't Step Incest,Akiha as a character is not bad at all its just that the incest part fucking disgust me and i'm disappointed that they didn't do anything with SHIKI Like how Ciel's route Handled Roa's character Overall Pretty Ok Route

Good ending: Pretty tragic ending i have really nothing to say other then its Good

True ending: I'm really Mixed about this ending because everything about it is great Akiha's character after Shiki's sacrifice How Akiha doesn't want to tell Kohaku or Hisui what happened About Shiki But The Ending Has that "Shiki is Definitely coming back!" Which i hate because if Akiha just accepted Shiki's sacrifice that would have been so fucking good but eh i won't say this is a bad ending Just a very mixed one

Hisui's route: Great Route. The first Part and the middle Part of This route Is Kinda Boring,but the Last part of hisui's route is Amazing That twist Kohaku was brilliant and hisui as a character even thought she's not even Close being the best Character in Tsukihime She's still a Pretty good character.

Good end: Easily the best Good end in the game and it might Be more tragic then the True ending

True ending: I have nothing to say other then this is my favorite ending ever made in fiction Kohaku's twist and Her Suicide Brought me into Tears Amazing Ending

Kohaku's Route: Amazing route. Kohaku is an amazing character and I love how this route plays with Your Knowledge of Hisui and Kohaku's Past and That twist With Akiha Was Great.

True ending: Pretty nice Way to end Kohaku's route yet a bit underwhelming

After you finish all of the routes you get to one Last Ending Eclipse.

Eclipse: Beautiful Way to End Tsukihime.

Overall Fantastic Game And i have to address the big elephant in the room the H scenes....
They have some of the worst writing i have ever seen in a Visual Novel And They were the main reason why it was taking me so long to finish this game,even thought the H scenes are disgusting It doesn't ruin the Great writing the game has.

if i would give the game a rating i would give it a 9/10 It would have been a 10/10 if it wasn't for those h scenes...
but hey its still a great game Go read it even thought this might not be everyone's cup of tea I still recommend reading it if you have a slight interest in it.
Here's Hoping that the remake would be Good.

Me when Backlogg suspended my account for saying the +R word

Ngl might be the best fighting game ever made