It essentially becomes cookie clicker after a while.

I feel like this game had a million maps.

Customising your team made no difference but was very fun.


The Witness if Jon Blow had Alzheimer's.

What a fustrating game, why is Chapter 3 just a repeat of the levels I have already completed?

god i hate atari and their 12 year old looking ceo trying to salvage the company despite it's lack of ANYTHING MEANINGFUL IN THE 21ST CENTURY, pumping NFTs and dumping copypastas of 'DAE pong?' wherever it goes. This is the most toothless presentation of Atari's shit ass legacy but at least we got to find out that the programmers smoked weeeeeddd duuuudddee.

Digital Eclipse, my sweet child, none of this is aimed at you, you could never do wrong, though I do question wtf the new ReImAgInEd games are doing here and why The Stacks has been self-inserted? I thought we all agreed Ready Player One was a trash book?

It's a shame that the Legendary edition didn't try to rectify any of the first games problems, because my god does the combat stink.

I really recommend playing as the female MC even if it is your first time around, if not just for the fact that there isn't another Persona game that lets you play as a woman and it is handled really well, touching on themes that aren't present in the original story.

Some pretty good stuff, really like the rogue-like raids but it turns out that having to sit through 4 max raids in a row to get one pokemon is hell.

I wish Shangri-la was good but we all know it isn't.

The aesthetics are way better than the actual quest design.

PLA is a masterpiece actually, the bad graphics and poor quality of life represent exactly what it is like to be deaf child living in a desolate wasteland.