Beat my first run today as the Defect. The build I ended up with felt very powerful and the game felt much easier and more fun than the 19 runs that preceded it - which is a shame because most of those runs were depressing and demoralising.

Whilst my run came off the back of two revelations (it is a good idea to 1. discard strike cards and replace them with cards that do the same or more damage + an effect and 2. kill elites for relics) I don't think I won because I was good at the game or applied any extra knowledge. It was almost entirely a fluke necessitated by RNG being in my favour.

I need to bully my GF into playing this co-op with me so I can finish it.

Elden Ring is good because it is a From Software Souls game. It is also almost exactly as good as the From games that I have played, Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne, which I gave similar ratings.

It is no secret that the Dark Souls franchise has absolutely demolished discourse around difficulty in video games. The problem is, I have never found dark souls games particularly difficult within the context of the restraints and options that the games provide. The combat is certainly punishing, and making mistakes can leave you dead even against considerably lower level enemies, but the feats that are being asked of you, the dodging, blocking, poking isn't in of it self difficult or much to ask.

The second aspect that works to dismantle the perceived difficulty is how the death and souls... sorry runes system works in general, especially with Elden Ring finding itself providing more and more bonfi- sites of graces and other checkpoints. A player will often find themselves corpse-dragging their lost souls across the map, and as long as they don't make too many mistakes, they can get to the next safe haven with their accumulated bounty, letting them level up a few times. The ability to over level throws all sense of difficulty out of the window - especially in the context of The Lands Between where the first boss is begging you to piss off, level up, find better weapons and upgrades, and come back later.

I didn't grind (certainly not as much as I did in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3) and yet found myself crushing bosses simply because there is so many ways to improve your character instead of merely brute forcing an encounter. Spirit Ashes are also ridiculous, obviously, with the Mimic Tear being my bestie and the only time I struggled was when a boss I would encounter was resistant to my damage type (which happened once... near the very end of the game).

All of this isn't to say that I hated the game (as my rating hopefully shows) or that I am way better than anyone else who struggled on more bosses or conversely did indeed beat the game at a much lower level than I did - I actually massively enjoyed one-shotting almost every single mob after the halfway point, I just think that Dark Souls difficulty (or at least the 3 From Software games I have beat), and therefore their appeal, is overstated. Playing Elden Ring (and especially this entry) isn't some masochist act, is indeed a power fantasy as much as any action game, letting me fell giant monstrosity with my ghostly brethren.

From Soft's games do have one... I would say fatal flaw, but they seem to Estus Flask their way through the problem... in their construction and presentation which is especially present in Elden Ring - character progression is almost invisible from the mid game onwards. Once you have obtained your favourite weapons and spells, the only character improvement exists in making numbers go up on stat sheets. For me, this happened very early on, for others you may end up picking up a new weapon in one of the game's later regions or quests and this feeling may be neglible.

Elden Ring quickly devolves into an action-adventure game. The open world could not possible give me any meaningful rewards when I had everything I needed except runes and smithing stones. The legacy dungeons are clearly where the game shines it brightest, and past Limgrave, I felt no excitement or interest exploring the new regions. Actually that isn't exactly true. The open world isn't bad in Elden Ring, but it isn't any better than the Legacy Dungeons nor the tight level designs of the past From Software titles, which makes me wonder... why bother?

Elden Ring is great because it is a From Software Souls game. And From Software Souls games will always be great.


Banging album that comes with a free game.

I literally can't beat the first level what is this jank

I pretended to be frog detective for 5 minutes and my gf nearly killed me.

would never survive a frog detective mystery smhing my head.


This review contains spoilers

Let me level with you guys. I played in 'Safe Mode' because I can't stand the amnesia/outlast style hide-in-a-closet gameplay loop. I played 5 hours before I got sick of wandering around in the dark, getting lost in the massively tiny outdoor (in-water?) sections, but I was told that the story was worth persevering for, so I did what any sane person would do - not persevere and watch the rest of the game on youtube.

And boy, was I dissapointed. I think there is about 20 minutes of interesting stuff in this game. I was really expecting a massive plot twist by the end, but there was so much setup and repetition that when Catherine exclaimed she can't keep repeating herself during the final moments of the game, I felt it in my soul.

The themes in this game have been well-trodden and it didn't make me contemplate much apart from how much of a dumb bitch Simon must be.

David Cage doesn't know:
☑️ How women act.
☑️ How black people speak.
☑️ How to write likeable characters.

A good port of Gunstar Heroes not just for the fact that its in 3D (duh) but the game features the original Japanese translations as well as optional gameplay modes and CRT filter (which admittedly isn't great). Too bad I don't like the game itself that much.

I thought this was dope as a kid.

goddamnit i hate roguelites so much sometimes. I don't feel like im getting stronger or better at the game, rng makes most runs feel like ass. I unlocked all the runes and I have no idea how to progress except grinding cells to get weapons that have dogshit attack patterns goddamnit.

Oh and Game Pass also deleted my saves, nice one