It boggles my mind how this does so much and does it so well.

I can't remember when 8 played this but it was after Spider-Man.

Me back then:
They finally caught onto what we want for a Star Wars game! If it weren't such a buggy mess it would be incredible.

I know this was hatedm but people hated the game when they really should've hated the ones leading the team behind it. The story is and was going to be great, the combat was great, and this is the only game which had most of my favourite heros as playable characters. I love this.

Even though this is considerably shorter, it made me cry a little more. I don't know why, I just felt a little more connected to this story. It is a little silly how quick of a turn around the villan had at the end but still hits the spot.

Combat is perfect, traversal is perfect, I like the story a lot, but it's missing a lot, just feels a bit empty. The main problem is pacing. The first and last 20 minutes are where it's at but pretty much everything else feels like side missions and is very sluggish and feels like a grind. They definitely put most of their focus into the map, because the explorable land is perfect. I really love this but I hope the sequel (should it happen) fixes the narrative elements.

Sluggish start but gameplay mechanics are unique and engaging.
Yeah pretty fantastic tbh. Disturbing And incredible story. And I love the thumbs up joke.

Confusing start but once I googled the list of missions, I got a very good understanding of the story, which by the way is beautiful, this is a beautiful game. Its visuals are 🤌.

Its currently broken for me so I can't progress, but if that wasn't a problem, I have nothing but praise.

I know this is hated, but it is loaded with greatness. Its just a shame it went the way it did. I am still collecting the figures, andbi thought I might as well get the game.

The first ever Mario game I owned and played. First ever game I 100% completed. It blew my mind as a kid, went in with no expectations and when I went through the warp pipe to the other dimension with the evil ink Mario that is so anxiety inducing... Fuck yea I loved it. Just should've had more playable characters and a tad more variety in power-ups.

My first side scroller, and I am very happy about that. Its still so fun and unique. I still know fuck all about the story, idk if this even has a story. But it's fun.

I loved this introduction. Back in these days, I never owned and played any games of my own like this so this really engaged me and pulled me in to the world of gaming.

Second in the Ezio trilogy and going strong. This is what really made me fall in love with Assassin's Creed