The game has some addictive gameplay. He concept is to never touch the ground. You can grind, jump burst, wall run, skip over water, so many alternatives to walking. String everything together with an array of weapons everything from a AK-FU (AK-47) to a teddy bear TNT launcher.

The game doesn't take itself serious pokes gun at itself, character design is completely up to you.

Fun game with a lot to offer.

Original aside this is a solid horror game. Many jump scares, but weaponry is quite powerful on Normal modes. So stress is kind of low. But such a good game.

Nilin is a memory hunter trying to remember who she is. You have a set of moves you can customize however you want. And at times alter the memories of people to advance. In my opinion it speaks about an artificial world that she tries to bring down.

If you are looking to play a PlayStation 3 game you've never played or heard of I would recommend this game.

A great hidden gem.

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At first glance I thought this was just a quick cash grab. However, once I got to playing it wow! The combos are great the variety of moves is great, the animation is fantastic. It's a zombie killer, which Juilet keeps her identity of killing zombies a secret from her b.f. Her entire family kills zombies.

If you can find this game buy it. Lastly there will be a remake later this year (2023)


Game looks great, sounds great. Platforming is fun. I personally don't like cats, but this is fun. I'll have to comeback to it.

Amazing game. Gameplay plays like a true arcade. The graphics look sweet still. The raindrops on the screen used to blow me away and still look good today. The cop chases during a race are a nice touch. I still play this from time to time.

For $2.99 and a 40 minute game. I've played worse for more. If you are easily bothered by scantily clad figured women don't play it. Gameplay is nothing revolutionary. But if you are downloading a new game in the background and want to play something that can easily be turned off this is a good time killer.

Played it as a kid and recently bought a copy. I played it a few minutes when it arrived still fun looks decent. It style is popular now a days so this is a great treat to play a classic.

Plays like MGS2. It was a slight improvement from the original. That didn't necessarily need a remake but I'm not upset it was done.

Great game graphically holds up well. Game play by today's standards needs to acquired but thats a personal issue not a game issue. Story is great Abe is a great character to get behind of.

Of ever game being remastered in this day in age I am should this game isn't getting remade. It would benefit from modern tech. Though the original holds up still.

Visuals of environment is great the motion capture looks good game plays smooth. The mapping system is a great feature. Though many complain about not getting information to complete a level I welcome the exploration. I don't want this game holding my hand.

An amazing game. Fox Engine gives us the moveset every Metal Gear fan has been waiting for. Though technically uncompleted you'd never know compared to the other uncompleted games being released now a days.