533 reviews liked by MicrosoftWord03

Kraven is VERY lucky I wasn’t present in New York at the time.

This was pretty good. Despite its short length, Lacuna created an intriguing world with a surprising amount of depth and crafted a good detective noir story that allowed you to make decisions that altered the outcome of it. The art and music are also pretty good and help the setting feel much more authentic. I'd say it's worth checking out if you can catch it on a sale.

A game I never knew I needed

A charming game that doesn’t really overstay its welcome. BK’s a funny little dickhead aswell!

Satisfying combat and witty banter, what’s not to love?

I've been aiming to play more racing games recently. This game is pretty fun but it did end up feeling more and more repetitive the further I got in.

I get why people are so ride or die about Persona 3 now.

This game is so cool and is quickly becoming one of my favorite rogue-lites. There’s so much to like here from its satisfying combat to its dope art style. You’re offered a lot of variety when it comes to making ur build due to how many spells and gambits you’re given as you progress. Most of the zodiacs are cool and their interactions with the MCs reminds me a lot of games like Hades. The games story is something you have to piece together and you’re slowly drip-fed lore through your interactions with the zodiacs, other npcs, and things you come across in the actual levels. If you like rogue-lites at all I highly suggest giving this one a try!

First game from the Recollection down! I never played the original DS game so I don't know how it compares but I enjoyed my time with the remake.

The story and main characters are definitely where the game shines most. The first two chapters are very slow and can come across as boring but it picks up very quickly. Ashley and D are cool characters and the way their stories intertwine while they work to solve the main mysteries makes it all the more engaging.

The puzzles the game hits you with are nothing to write home about but some of them have cool little gimmicks sprinkled in. A few accessibility features are available that make solving the puzzles(the game gives you two hints and will straight up tell you the solution if you want) and navigating the mansion very easy. I personally wouldn't rely entirely on these features as they may cause you to miss some cool story stuff.

Two Memories turned out to be a really nice puzzle adventure game! Now it's time to tap into the second game.