Pretty tight game, I would put this game ABOVE world because I love the portable game art style more. Very cool game

Game is pretty tight, I come back to this game once, still discovering little things in the game that make the game. Of all the things people say about this game that make people hate it, my main gripe is the unstoppable, the hardest boss, the unskippable credits after a run.

Out of all the formsoft games DS2 has the best NewGame+ with all the extra content and spells that you can get every new NG+

this game has awesome monsters but it has combat from a gears of war game that doesn't fit the previous games which blows dick.

tank controls sucks, the monsters are awesome, and the music fits right into the atmosphere. The story is alright but awkwardly charming

combats is just right and the monster are COOL!

coolest fighting game, big bear make friends hates me :( hehe

scariest game I've played, never finished this game.

cool art! I won't be returning though!

this game taught me how to play poker and I'll come back to this game once and a while. Would've been 5 stars but since it was taken off the steam store the game crashes before you can beat everyone at the table.

hitboxes for bosses are fucked up, everything else is cool

The best multiplayer zombie game. it's still scary to this day.

The base game of dragon's dogma is over all great, the scaling of giant monsters and magic makes this game stand out from all other action role playing games to have been released and still holds up today. The DLC is to much frankly and a casual player would need to grind to at least level 170 to enjoy yourself.