rondo of blood but they forgot to make it good

Alucard had the hots for a 17 year old, not a good look... 🤨

Ridiculously frustrating on Original Mode, a good time on Arrange Mode.

Despite the many great ideas this game had, overall I came away from this game disappointed. Movement mechanics are wonderful, but in practice the game is clunky. The final boss is probably the worst in the series to this point (maybe other than Dracula X.) Overall, this is an okay game, but I hope the next few GBA Castlevanias are better.

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I did a midair bazooka strike into the cockpit of an active helicopter and blew up Hitler's head. This is what video games were made for.

Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Minds unleashed
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then go forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (triangulation)
Time out of time (no destination)
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (illumination)
Time out of time (predestination)
Time out of time (no destination)
Falling back right into the system of
Falling back on all that's erased
When fighting back right out of this system
Means falling back right into this space
Yes, falling back right in with the system
Who'll see you falling back to the end
When falling back is better than simply
Falling back into pieces again

Pinnacle of a normie take but god damn this game is heat

Well made, but quite possibly the most underwhelming and disappointing game I've ever played

I had to play this game for my English class and wow, its wonderful. The factions were a little hard for me to follow but I'm sure it would make more sense if I replayed it, which I intend to. The mechanics work well for this kind of game and the characters are all quite interesting, as well as the way you can respond to them. There were many incredibly tense moments and the ending I got made me shed a tear. Give this a try.

This review contains spoilers

I didn't wanna hate this, but I absolutely did, at least the last 1/3rd. I'm pretty sure I built my party wrong at some point, because the Mysidia Tower and Pandemonium are the most ridiculous things I've ever experienced in ANY video game. I had to grind agility for FIVE HOURS and still barely had it high enough to make it through the end of the game. This game punches you in the face for trying to enjoy it, and even though there are several things I like about it, like its atmosphere and desire to innovate in its genre, I never want to see it again as long as I live. At least, not on an actual Famicom without save states and speedup. I've made it through hell, can only go up from here.

the people who designed the setlist of this game LOVE the Alexander raid music (I do too)

It got that One Piece pacing but it's zones are so good and the final boss made me blow my load

Edit: The patch content for this expac is peak fiction. If you include that, raise my score by half a star.

This game is a huge mess and has a laundry list of problems, but damn I loved it. One of the most interesting stories in a game, it's artstyle is perfect, and I cannot believe how grand it's scale feels for a PS1 game. In that way, it blows FFVII (a game I admittedly like more) out of the water, with only one year difference in release.

The superior version of this game, in my opinion. Card combat is still fun, and I didn't get hopelessly stuck on bosses like I did in Re:Chain. Grinding for map cards still really sucks, it's just not fun at all. Also, I think the Riku story is better in Re:Chain, because I like that Duel system it uses a lot.

Good game. The characters are quite different to play, and I think all 3 are quite fun. Though the game is solid, the first 3 worlds for each character are not very interesting, and I find Aqua, Ven, and Terra to just not be very compelling characters, especially when compared to 358/2 days, which has excellent characters.