Sorry to be a hater but I did not mess with this. This game feels like 7 games combined together and none of them are fun. Any time the gameplay switches up to some experimental style, it feels underdeveloped and you just kinda want it to be over. This game feels significantly worse to play than 358 and I don't really know why or how that is but the feel is so off. Whoever decided that the worst-controlling KH game should be the most platforming-focused is a monster. The world variety is the worst in the series (tied with 358 but I love that game's worlds), I don't care for the story, and any well-done mechanic is done better in another KH game, all of which that I've played are better than this one. (Shoutouts to the cheat system on the stat matrix though, that's cute.) I feel like KH likes to save some of its best and most creative ideas for its spinoff games, this is a huge counter-example to that.

jumbo joshالحمد
this game has higher highs and lower lows than the first. it has some actually not horrible setpieces. the classroom segment was pretty funny and i think the game overall had some areas that were memorable. that's all the good i have to say. the story is awful, the graphics suck, its horribly optimized, the voice acting is parody-level, and this game might have the worst puzzle design i've ever played, to the point where I thought I softlocked myself out of progression 80% of the way through the game.

This game is the reason I fell in love with Zelda and honestly its goddamn incredible. I've gone back and forth on it over the years but it is so memorable and well designed and fun. I know this game so well that I was able to find 91 skulltulas on my own without a guide, and I haven't played this game vanilla in probably 6 years. I think at this point it is my third favorite Zelda game. The item progresion in this game might be the best in the entire series, everything has its place and very few items feel useless. The dungeon design is top notch and I have a hard time picking any that I don't like. This game is legendary and I love it so much.

Finally these games stopped being the worst thing ever. This game is very silly and its goofy scenarios actually go over decently well. The game's padding is ridiculous, it looks awful, and I don't think there's much improvement on the voice acting front, but at least the puzzle design isn't absolutely broken like in the second game. It still sucks, but way less than the first two.

I played this game in Japanese with the PS3 HD Remaster and its pretty dang solid. Its got a great aesthetic and the story is tight, probably the easiest to follow in the series while still being interesting. The side content that this series is known for is only here in small servings, and the substories are few and tend to be pretty dramatic, which is both an upside and a downside. This is the Yakuza game with the worst combat, but Kiryu's moveset still feels pretty good and you can absolutely tear through enemies if you know what you're doing. Overall there are reasons to like the original more than its much meatier remake, but I think both have their advantages. Glad I played this, and I will be hopping on 2 at some point.

I'm so sad man, I thought these games were getting better after 3. this game SUUUUCKS, its a bunch of forgettable nonsense with a new cast that has no sticking power and doesn't develop on the previous games at all. The story was nonsense, the puzzles were not fun at all, and 5 minutes from the end of the game I passed out drunk on my bathroom floor and had to play the lame as fuck ending this morning.

Really solid game. The atmosphere is on point and I actually found the puzzles really fun. The difficulty was also perfect, I was constantly close to dying but actually died very few times. The story is a little confusing but I'm not very smart so that explains things.

This game is siiiiiiiick. Every level is off the wall and full of charm, the movement is fantastic, the soundtrack is very exciting, and the game has a very unique and fun sense of humor. The kinda exaggerated ugly character designs aren't really for me, but wow the animation in this game has so much work put into it that its absolutely ridiculous that the game plays as well as it does. I will give this room to grow on me, but for now its a solid to high 8/10. You should absolutely not miss out on this.

Stupid, boring, and melodramatic. This game takes itself way too seriously and it feels like they haven't really been learning from their mistakes.

This is a super tight and enjoyable Metroidvania. The combat is fluid, it looks great, progression is fairly natural. Most of the bosses are very well designed. It wears its Dark Souls influence on its sleeve, I was reminded of DS1 throughout. I kinda wish I loved it more, it really is solid, but I don't think I'd care to replay it much.

This game is so fun with friends. It has a unique style and the gameplay loop is satisfying and leads to ton of silly shenanigans. The game has AWFUL performance though, a game that looks like this should at least be a stable 30 fps on my system. I might look into optimization mods... I also run into glitches constantly, but I am playing modded, so that might contribute to the problem.

Really cool game. I found it really immersive and the cast is varied with interesting stories. I think its really easy and also the pacing falls apart in the middle, but overall its really effective and memorable.

This game takes the issues I had with Remake and stamps them out, and the result is an incredibly rich and immersive game with a superb combat system and peak character interactions. I think the game is a bit bloated, and I'm not really sure what to think about the direction the story has gone until it all wraps up, but I love these characters and world so much and this game honestly feels made for me. This game is Final Fantasy in its purest form: Huge world and stakes, great characters, entertaining scenarios, and a ridiculous amount of fan-service. If you love the original VII like I do, and you love expansive words and bizarre twists on stories you know, I think this game will satisfy you. If you're a story continuity purist, and you don't like having a lot of side content to engage with, this game will likely disappoint you. I may write more regarding this later, but overall this will likely be my pick for game of the year. I enjoyed nearly every moment of my 80 hour playthrough, and think it pulls off everything it goes for. Its not a 10/10 imo but its probably a 9.5 or 9.6.

boring mobile game slop at its RAWEST. i played this game while plastered and downloaded every single app i got an ad for. it was peak.