I WILL 100% this game YOULL SEE!!

THIS GAME WAS PEAK AND I WILL NOT HEAR OTHERWISE!! I haven't played it since the early 2000s but I plan to reunite with my sweet one day..

Haven't finished this game yet, but this piece has some KILLER atmosphere. Music is awesome, god bless the composers!

VERY enticing story holy BALLS this game made me mentally ill over the character deaths :sob: :sob: I SHOULD DEFO FINISH IT even though it reminds me of my backstory characters (CURSE YOU 2017!!)

1v1 me in Best Dressed only then will you peacefully achieve nirvana

This is such a cute game! I adore the vibrant simplistic graphics and the music is BEAUTIFUL. I'm obsessed with games that incorporate music that shifts with each change in area and builds on itself! I FEEL like I'm exploring new lands and that's super cute! Such a cozy play.

This game is QUITE ENJOYABLE so far! Honestly I love the characters/the silly little universe a little more than the gameplay itself. Fun in some parts, AGONZING in others. I HATE SUKOCHI SO MUCH HOLY BALLS other than that it's been pretty fun on my run to 100%ing it :3

Fun to play with friends! Could use some more updates but I give it a grain of salt since it just came out. Excited for what it has in store!

Lord I have memories with this game and it’s fandom


I somehow managed to get banned on Osu! online, got sad about it, my old estranged online friend lent me their account, and I got their's banned as well

I'm still on my vision quest I need to complete in order to have the capacity to finish this game

Someone shoulda monitored my 12 year old ass