Gimme an actual Sonic game with this game’s music and graphics and it'd be a 10/10

I basically just pick this up every couple months and dick around with it because it's so fun.

Hehe never played it. Nobody's ever played it. Like 2 people played it. I wanna play it, but it costs like a thousand USD

Well it's more Mario Bros, except now the level design is a bit worse

Goddamn the way the game locks your max momentum once you jump STINKS

Physics and readability stink, but the level design's cool ig

I couldn't finish level 2 properly. I liked what I played though

Imagine sitting down for your 8 hour shift at work, modeling Mario's insane grippers

Single player review: 's okay

Johnny is built like Koala Kong

Castlevania for people who really like running into dead ends

Probably one of the pleasantest surprises I've had in a game in a while

In case you're wondering, yes, it's better than Castlevania II

Playing this after Castlevania II is like waking up from a coma

This game feels like it's actively trying to make you quit. And you know what, three mansions in, it succeeded.