Goddamn the way the game locks your max momentum once you jump STINKS

Playing this after Castlevania II is like waking up from a coma

I think this was probably the perfect Castlevania game to start with

My day be so fine, then bam... FLUDD-less mission...


My game crashed once I got to the ending

Johnny is built like Koala Kong

Single player review: 's okay

Imagine sitting down for your 8 hour shift at work, modeling Mario's insane grippers

I couldn't finish level 2 properly. I liked what I played though

Physics and readability stink, but the level design's cool ig

The jump surprisingly wasn't that bad

This game feels like it's actively trying to make you quit. And you know what, three mansions in, it succeeded.

In case you're wondering, yes, it's better than Castlevania II

Probably one of the pleasantest surprises I've had in a game in a while

Castlevania for people who really like running into dead ends