this was way more fun than i thought it was gonna be

another glorified masterpiece that's 30% of going on horse following boring npcs and 10 missions of doing cow stuff (boring)

it was still cool but it's way too overrated imo. it's toned down gta basically

Life is strange was better. And that's saying something coming from me.


Edit: Finished post game. My opinion is that it's even better than before LOL

I've always said that there's not any game that's perfect, and that every game has very obvious flaws if you get nit-picky (or in the case of bad games, you don't need to)

but Reverie is the closest thing to perfection I've had the pleasure of playing, there was not a single thing about this game i disliked or thought was lacking, combat is my favorite combat ever, characters from past games which i already loved (and the new ones were also very good, on my top tier of trails character for sure), ost was insanely good, story kept me hooked from the beginning (i'm a crossbell fan, yes, it checks out)

there's simply not a thing i didn't love about this game. it let's you play however you want it, doesn't punish you for not grinding any of your ~50 characters and provides excellent ways to level them up and to always go around changing your party if you want to with creative and fun missions that don't punish you for not grinding

the only bad thing? i can't go around recommending it because you need to play 9 games before this LMAOOO, maybe it's a good thing, this way i can't be as obnoxious as i was with the DGS Duology.

definitely my favorite game ever and i hope the trails series keeps attracting new players with each new entry because it's 100% the best rpg series to ever be made. can't wait to keep playing with kuro and future arcs

It's just like people say, quality over quantity. Very short but every fucking second in this game is a good second. I hope one day they bring back .hack to life. For now I'm more than happy and grateful for having played the amazing series that G.U. is.

oh my god i didn't know this was here this is literally my childhood i love it

Tan real que en Nacional son igual de perros que en la vida real

Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes! Lavos changes attack modes!

after starting with G.U. vol 1 and realising i left the first 4 games without playing i decided to give it a try.

i'm ashamed the previous entries are this bad. i finished this only because i was more than halfway through the game so i said ok why not. and i did try like the first half hour of mutation but i simply can't enjoy the gameplay. it's way too bad. and i can't stand it. if there's EVER a remaster with new gameplay for the first 4 games i'll gladly play them. but as it stands i will not play 3 more games i can't enjoy only for the story. i read somewhere that the terminal disks in G.U. are enough for what you need to know so that's what i'm gonna have to do. very unfortunate since i was planning to spend the next 2 months playing this series but it looks like that time will be shortened because of these unfortunate circumstances.

and yes, the only thing i'm interested in is the story, i didn't really care for any character, didn't really like the ost, didn't like the combat at all, the virus core thing is boring, the areas are very meh, i just didn't enjoy it, and i am sad because it's a series i've been wanting to play for a long while, and seeing how i can't come to enjoy half of it is tragic, i'll keep playing G.U. tho, i think i can enjoy that.

Jan Sauer didn't deserve any of that honestly