I liked the game, but the multiplayer part just ruined the immersion for me. I would have prefered coop like the old games.

I played Final Fantasy since SNES. I did not like the FF13-series and FF15. With 16 they tried a lot of new stuff and that is ok, but it just did not click for me. So for me the game was cool, but not a good Final Fantasy.

The first game was already a favorite, but they pretty much took everything from it and made it even better. For me GOTY 2023.

My girlfriend never really played a CRPG. She was hooked after watching some videos. We played from start to finish in coop and had a blast. A lot of freedom and choice. Very good storys and a lot of awesome characters.

A game from Bethesda that could have been great, but came out mediocre at best. Hopefully with time mods will change that.

Awesome soulslike. Feels a lot like Bloodborne. Pretty much no bugs and runs very smooth. Gameplay is fantastic, story is great with twists and combat very challenging.

Would be a 5 star game, but it has to many problems. Performance is the biggest issue, but it also has a lot of problems with gamemechanics.