Would be a 5 star game, but it has to many problems. Performance is the biggest issue, but it also has a lot of problems with gamemechanics.

Awesome soulslike. Feels a lot like Bloodborne. Pretty much no bugs and runs very smooth. Gameplay is fantastic, story is great with twists and combat very challenging.

A game from Bethesda that could have been great, but came out mediocre at best. Hopefully with time mods will change that.

My girlfriend never really played a CRPG. She was hooked after watching some videos. We played from start to finish in coop and had a blast. A lot of freedom and choice. Very good storys and a lot of awesome characters.

The first game was already a favorite, but they pretty much took everything from it and made it even better. For me GOTY 2023.

I played Final Fantasy since SNES. I did not like the FF13-series and FF15. With 16 they tried a lot of new stuff and that is ok, but it just did not click for me. So for me the game was cool, but not a good Final Fantasy.

I liked the game, but the multiplayer part just ruined the immersion for me. I would have prefered coop like the old games.

I wanted to smash Zombie heads with my girlfriend and i got it. What else can i say. It was a lot of fun. Yes the story is very mediocre and some stuf could have been better, but still it was fun overall.

I love survival games and after finishing Grounded this was a cool new little indie to play. We only played 7 hours so far, but after the full release we will come back to it.

Take a lot from Nioh, mix it with chinese mythologie instead of japanese and you get Wo Long. It was ok and we had fun.

The Forest was a mess at release and became the game we know today after a lot of changes over 2-3 years. Atleast Sons of the Forest had a good base at release, but still it will take some time to get to the point that it can compare to the first game.

It was one of two games i got with the original Playstation on christmas in 1997. It was kinde fun back in the day.

It was one of two games i got with the original Playstation on christmas in 1997. It was ok i guess, but really not that great.

Final Fantasy VII made me realise that i love videogames. Me and my cousin played it the whole summer in 1998 and it was just awesome. Never had this experience with another Final Fantasy game since then.

The Mass Effect-series is one of my all time favourites. I replay them every so often and just can't get enough. For me the first game is the best, just because the story and characters are so good.