I'm a big fan of JRPGs, but what i like about them is the epic journey. Mostly starting as a nobody with a quest to save the world and finding people on the way that you get attached to. But all that is missing for me in Relink.

You start with a big crew and it feels like the whole start is missing. That is why i don't care about the story or characters at all. Yeah you have those little storytelling for every character, but that does not help. And i don't want to watch an anime or read stuff before playing just to get into it.

But the epic boss battles that you can do with friends makes it a fun experience afterall.

I love survival games. And a game that combines Ark with Pokemon-like creatures, has a lot of dark humour and some really deep building and game mechanics is just awesome. And its still Early Access!

Me and my girlfriend played the original Ark: Survival Evolved for hundreds of hours on Playstaion and PC. The new version is great and got a lot of improvements, but it also has a lot of the old bugs, glitches and other problems. We still love it and can't stop playing!

The only Mass Effect game that i only played once and never finished. It kinda lacked the heart of the original trilogy. Maybe one day in the future i will replay and finish it.

The Mass Effect-series is one of my all time favourites. I replay them every so often and just can't get enough. The original endings have been not so great, but atleast they reworked them later.

The Mass Effect-series is one of my all time favourites. I replay them every so often and just can't get enough. I really like the reworked parts of the Legendary Editon!

The Mass Effect-series is one of my all time favourites. I replay them every so often and just can't get enough. The second game made a lot of progress to tell a cinematic like story, but sadly reduced the rpg parts.

The Mass Effect-series is one of my all time favourites. I replay them every so often and just can't get enough. For me the first game is the best, just because the story and characters are so good.

Final Fantasy VII made me realise that i love videogames. Me and my cousin played it the whole summer in 1998 and it was just awesome. Never had this experience with another Final Fantasy game since then.

It was one of two games i got with the original Playstation on christmas in 1997. It was ok i guess, but really not that great.

It was one of two games i got with the original Playstation on christmas in 1997. It was kinde fun back in the day.

The Forest was a mess at release and became the game we know today after a lot of changes over 2-3 years. Atleast Sons of the Forest had a good base at release, but still it will take some time to get to the point that it can compare to the first game.

Take a lot from Nioh, mix it with chinese mythologie instead of japanese and you get Wo Long. It was ok and we had fun.

I love survival games and after finishing Grounded this was a cool new little indie to play. We only played 7 hours so far, but after the full release we will come back to it.

I wanted to smash Zombie heads with my girlfriend and i got it. What else can i say. It was a lot of fun. Yes the story is very mediocre and some stuf could have been better, but still it was fun overall.