20 Reviews liked by MojitoKomaeda

I'm glad this is the final fnaf game it's a great game and I'm so happy they didn't decide to continue the story in an extremely stupid way or something



Simply a masterpiece, when you feed him 9999 burgers and he gets fat, it's obviously a social criticism of America's consumerism nowdays.
When you put him on a diet it's so fucking inspiring, I cried BRO, I cried A LOT.
This game is DEEP, if you don't think the same, it's because you don't have 30000 OF IQ for realising it.

I love when he says some shit like "is your character known for writing FNAF Minecraft AU fanfiction" on like the third question and you just have to politely say no.

I really liked the secret event where Goku, Yoda, Eric Cartman, Scott Pilgrim, Sora, and Spiderman show up for a 7-stage boss fight where if you win you can download Mario Odyssey from the eshop for free.

Game's been wiped from existence you can't prove that wasn't in there

Does the Devil know what it’s like to feel the pain and suffering of the mortal coil? To bleed the same way as us? To suffer the anguish of existence? Does he sleep and have the same nightmares as us? Can he still be the Devil if he doesn’t know these things at all?

Two things strike me as kind of unbelievable about this game. The first is that this was somehow made on the same console as the original Super Mario Bros, a game which feels incredibly creaky and antiquated nowadays, whilst Super Mario Bros 3 both still controls well now and isn't that far off aesthetically from a product I'd be fine with seeing released nowadays.

The second is how, despite countless games since SMB3 imitating it and reusing its ideas, even now you can still feel this game just oozing imagination. There are close to no moments spent in the game that aren't either introducing a new idea or developing a previous one in an interesting way, and whilst not all of those ideas are necessarily good even the duds are largely excusable because you'll be only moments away from something far better.

The game to send to the aliens.

To remind ourselves why we play videogames. In case we ever forget.

My gf never finished it as a child and that caused severe trauma. We finished it this year, and she proceeded to speedrun it, and get the WR. So proud :,)
Also my first submited speedrun.

i beat this game legit, going through both times, when i was in the sixth grade one night. it was pretty painful, i used an emulator but i didn't use save states. i was hoping to brag to my friends but none of my friends knew what Ghosts n Goblins was, or cared about me, and also i didn't have any

This game is the reason I'm a Marxist today. They could have at least let me keep the shit I bought when I had premium but no, they had to snatch it away. Just me and my puffle in an empty igloo.

remember when the internet tried to convince itself this game was bad actually. lmao