Better than any Marvel movie they will ever make.

The boss battles are the highlight and the music is amazing, but I feel like it's let down a little by the level design and tedious sections of gameplay.

There's a chainsaw robot dog though.


Good one.

My first Persona game ever so you can imagine I had no idea what was going on or who these people were, but it was fine. The Brooklyn toaster is cool.

The last student I needed to save got glitched and stuck in the toilet forever so I couldn't get 100% completion, absolutely trolled.

Actually a very decent beat 'em up game with nice graphics, 4 different base characters and many to unlock, and each of them can be upgraded to get new abilities.

Worth playing.

If they remake this game (update: they are remaking this game) then it will be infinitely superior and you should play it, otherwise it's pretty outdated and can drag on which is a shame, because the themes and story of the game are pretty compelling.

Pata Pata Pata Pon.
Pata Pata Pata Pon.
Pata Pata Pata Pon.
Pon Pon Pata Pon.
Pon Pon Pata Pon.


This review contains spoilers

They did it, they made Akechi not cringe. Morgana was also developed better as a character.

Compared to the base game a lot of things have been localised better, you're given more context about things which happen in the story, and there's some new gameplay additions too like unique two person moves for certain pairs.

The new antagonist is a little bit forced, they don't give you an option to disagree with his ideals early on in the game despite there being three dialogue options and this stood out to me. Even after the end of the original game, where you get everyone out of the Velvet Room and give them hope and they promise to never run away again, they literally give in to Maruki and live in their delusions, their ideal lives. That was a bit of a Ross moment, not going to lie.

It's better than the base game for sure though, he is a decent Villain and the palace is good too. The new girl is fine too, nothing too amazing there.

Nonce simulator. You defeat the nonce teacher man so that you can go on to date your homeroom teacher (nonce blast). The fans argue about which underage girl is the best (nonce strike).

Akechi is the worst, most cringe character I have ever seen, they turned Reddit into a person.

Morgana is based and they just slander him for no reason honestly.

It's an okay game I guess.

You didn't play this game unless somebody was selling modded weapons for Microsoft points in the tavern.

Would be game of the year every year but it's locked at 30fps.