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5 days ago

Shobbrook finished Dante's Inferno
This game started off so strong but devolved into the most laborious action-adventure game I've played in some time. The opening of this game sees you fighting Death in a badass 1v1, then the opening levels are brimming with visual variety and constantly introduce new enemy types. Then I guess the budget ran out, because nothing new gets introduced and all the levels begin to look exactly the same. You also begin to realise that there is no variety in the combat or the game systems - it's all just a series of doing the same thing over and over. The (very) occasional boss fight doesn't break the monotony because they look visually impressive but are mechanically indistinct from regular foes. The unique enemies all but disappear as you just fight the same demons and birds until the game meanders to a boring conclusion to the most uninspired game story ever written. This game was fun, for a time, but cannot sustain itself even through its poultry runtime.

5 days ago

Shobbrook finished Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
I really don't understand what people see in this title. The psychosis representation is well done and the pattern identifying gameplay is interesting because it's indicative of paranoia - but that doesn't make the game any better.

I could rant about just about every section of the game, but in the interest of my own time I'm going to keep my critique brief:

- The graphics are technically nice, yet every area looks the same and the whole game is far too dark.
- I didn't care one bit for Senua, her journey or any of the other "characters" in the plot. The narrative was entirely ungripping to me.
- The puzzle design is loathsome. I know it's subjective but I never had any clue what the game wanted from me, and when I eventually fumbled my way to a solution it still made no more sense. It's all so obscure and poorly informed to you.
- The combat sucks. I have the feeling that's the point, but it didn't need to be so plentiful if it was meant to be bad. I did, however, like the final boss encounter (the music and the "let go" solution was cool).

I know this game is entirely unique (excluding the existence of the sequel) and that the developers should be praised for their creative vision, but I really didn't get on with this game at all. It is a very short game and yet I spent most of it just begging for it to end. I know it's a representation of Hel and that it isn't supposed to be fun, but I don't think that's an excuse for being just plain not very good.

11 days ago

12 days ago

Shobbrook commented on Shobbrook's review of Mirror's Edge
@Armakeen I actually played Catalyst a few years back. I remember enjoying it and that's why the original has been in my backlog for so long. As you mentioned, I remember the cutscenes and story being completely fine which is why I guess this one surprised me with how little I liked it that part of the game. I may replay Catalyst soon - it certainly has been a while.

12 days ago

Shobbrook finished Lil Gator Game
This isn't the type of game that I usually play. It isn't a title with a lot of substance, but I enjoyed it for the simple and heartwarming little adventure that it's meant to be. It's quite a lot like A Short Hike, which I also quite enjoyed for what it was, and I can't say which of the two I really enjoyed more. So I won't bother wondering about it - they are both good games to just chill and relax playing. Do I recommend Lil Gator Game? I can't say that I do really, but it's very sweet and inoffensive and there are worse ways to spend a few hours. The graphics are charming, the soundtrack is upbeat, and the dialogue is snappy enough that it never became a slog to sit through. There's some good pieces of writing in here - the part where the sister buys the ice creams is my favourite.

12 days ago

Shobbrook is now playing Lil Gator Game

12 days ago

Shobbrook is now playing Dante's Inferno

12 days ago

Shobbrook completed Lil Gator Game
This isn't the type of game that I usually play. It isn't a title with a lot of substance, but I enjoyed it for the simple and heartwarming little adventure that it's meant to be. It's quite a lot like A Short Hike, which I also quite enjoyed for what it was, and I can't say which of the two I really enjoyed more. So I won't bother wondering about it - they are both good games to just chill and relax playing. Do I recommend Lil Gator Game? I can't say that I do really, but it's very sweet and inoffensive and there are worse ways to spend a few hours. The graphics are charming, the soundtrack is upbeat, and the dialogue is snappy enough that it never became a slog to sit through. There's some good pieces of writing in here - the part where the sister buys the ice creams is my favourite.

12 days ago

Shobbrook finished Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge excels at two things: art style and first-person parkour. This fictional world is full of bright colours contrasted against harshly bright whites and it looks amazing. This does not look like a game from 2008. However, the cutscenes do not look anywhere near as good. The 2D animation looks terrible, frankly. They are a tiny portion of the game, but they look so awful I have to wonder why they even bothered.

The free form parkour is the game's main selling point, of course, and it works very well. I can tell it does because there is a lot of room for error. Only towards the end of the game did I feel like I'd acquired any sort of skill with the systems, and that allowing for genuine player skill growth and learning was refreshing.

However, outside of these two points I find little to recommend about Mirror's Edge. I think the level design, while looking nice, doesn't adequately inform you of where to go sometimes. Even with the button that jerks your head towards your destination, sometimes I found that the route to get there is unnecessarily confusing. This is highlighted best by the big tower climb section in Chapter 8, which begins by having you go to a small dark corner of the room and doing a backwards wall jump to an equally dark area you can't even see. Optional collectable areas are sometimes better telegraphed than the critical path, and that is a problem.

The other big problem is that these levels almost always take place in small cramped buildings instead of outside. The game is at its peak when you're jumping from rooftop to rooftop, but that makes up a surprisingly small amount of playtime compared to the hours of navigating vents, elevators and corridors.

The game's biggest flaw is the story. It's just so uninspired and boring. Nothing happens; all the allies and villains alike are equally dull; the plot twists don't land because they're incredibly obvious (the masked killer is so obviously Celeste that I'm not even going to put a spoiler warning on it, and if you care then I am sorry but no one in the game's plot does so I wonder why you do) and it ends with nothing being achieved and everything being exactly the same it was at the beginning - minus a few characters being dead. It was terrible. I get that this is a game that is meant to be replayed a bunch, that's why it's about 5 hours long at most, but they could have put something better than this together...

All in all, Mirror's Edge is flawed. But I liked it all the same. The gameplay loop is strangely addicting. For all my critique, I can definitely see myself revisiting this - this time skipping every cutscene so I can enjoy the parkour as much as possible. The combat in this game sucks too by the way, but I think it's meant to so it hardly matters.

12 days ago

13 days ago

Shobbrook is now playing Mirror's Edge

13 days ago

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