This game is adorably cute. As with practically everybody else who's left a review here, I grew up with Superstar Saga, so being able to play the progenitor of the series was really fun.

As for standing on it's own? I dunno. The battle system is both really simplistic and really tedious. The story is lightweight and at points confusing. I didn't really care for the sprite-work, especially in battles.

This game doesn't feel very polished, but there's enough jokes and cute ideas present that made the game super fun to play through regardless! Highly recommend this game if you like the M&L series.

I had a lot of fun re-experiencing what is literally the greatest game ever made. I like some of the new additions, some of them I'm not that crazy about, but at its heart this still felt and played like good ol' TTYD. I did a 100% run and it was nice to see they added some stuff for collectionists!

However, when I end up replaying this game eventually (it will happen) I'm just going to play the OG version. The new additions, to some, might make this the definitive version of the game; I just prefer my games to run at 60 FPS!

(Can't overstate how much of a disappointment the performance of this game was to me. I'm just one of "those people", sorry sorry.)

The very first mystery dungeon game! It's simple and almost plays like a tech demo or proof of concept for the mystery dungeon "genre" as a whole, but it's pretty difficult which helps the longevity. I had fun with it.

Getting through the first (non-tutorial) dungeon is an exercise in patience and a little bit of luck. Find a good weapon and shield, do a few runs to farm scrolls to level them up, and try not to die. +5 to +10 should be enough.

The hard mode dungeon, which unlocks after beating the main game, hides item names for herbs and scrolls, levels up enemies, and you can't bring items in from the outside... so there's no way in hell I'm going to even attempt that one.

i really like how a lot of this game feels like a huge adventure with your pals. just me, my gf, and our dog travelling to the past and righting wrongs

the story was fun with some genuinely great moments and the gameplay loop of "save town in the past, go to the town in the future to see what changed" is satisfying and fun, there's a ton of optional content and also some superbosses

great game glad i dedicated a month of my life to it (yeah this bitch is a long one)

I dunno man, it just doesn't hold up very well. I played it as a kid, and I remember it being better.

I guess it's impressive that it runs at all, and runs well at that, but it's a little bit too short, aimless, and repetitive for me to be in love with it.

Still, it's Banjo. Feels very budget Banjo, but I guess it's an alright replacement if it's all ya got...

i loved this game when i was a kid and surprise i still love it now

One of the first video games I ever owned. I played it so much when I was a kid. It's really weird running through a level and remembering where the collectables are when I haven't played this game in almost 20 years... melancholic. I cried a little bit at the credits screen.

I went and did a 100% run. When I was younger I could never quite master some of the more maze-like levels. It was fun, the secret levels are a great addition to the base game (the final one ends on a recreation of the prologue level, how cute is that?!)

The game also gives you a tracker saying how many lives you've lost when you 100% it. I lost 383 lives trying to finish the game. Wow!

incredibly difficult and unfair near the end, i did 100 on all levels except for those secret ones (still beat it though)

inconsistent artstyle - like it gets really bad at parts.. and the music is kinda lacking too

the new gimmick babies are fun to play around with sometimes though, it's a good game but obviously pales in comparison to the original

played this game as a kid but only ever beat the main story, pretty much gave up 100%ing a level after the difficulty spikes mid world 3

- sooo unbalanced. after three or hour fours i became a nearly untouchable god on accident and unless you purposefully go for a challenge run to limit yourself it seems inevitable with the stat scaling and power of weapons/magic you can find

- the aesthetic of the game is really great and makes exploration fun and a lot of the spells give unique utility perks that are fun to mess around with in the game world. even if it's entirely useless/for flavor it's still fun to find it, see what it does, and smile a bit

- by the time the cracks start to show in the game design and by the point the combat is becoming too tedious the game is over because it's a relatively short experience, even without a guide, at least for the normal ending

- lunacid is almost nothing like the old fromsoft games beyond the superficial, and it's very very very very referential (at times eye-rollingly so) but as long as you enjoy the game on its own merits it's fun and enjoyable. at the very least i had fun with it

I tried. I really did. I got to the underwater area and realized I was not having fun whatsoever.

Usually with a game this old I can look at it and try to say "I'm sure this game was good when it came out, so I'll just power through it using that kind of POV..." but there's just so much that turns me off of Breath of Fire. I can assuredly say this game would have sucked ass to me had I played it as a young child.

Spritework and music were good I guess!


the seven islands are a cute postgame addition, i don't think i ever fully completed it as a kid either

got jynx and swept the game easily with her


the main character is not a bunny girl. its a hat her hat has bunny ears on it but shes not a bunny girl

coming off of wild arms 1 it was interesting to see what they changed and what worked and what didn't

i had a lot of fun playing and the game has a lot of pretty high highs but those lows really kicked my ass and made me wanna stop playing

to name a few: a lot of the dungeons are just complete hell, the battle system is still really simple and easy to a detriment, the translation is written really dry and boring, the story pacing is kinda bad, the puzzles can be infuriating..

still, i had a fun time playin thru it. nothing wrong with some classic ps1 jrpg slop. also i did a 100% run and filling up the monster album was complete torture, i would not recommend doing that at all

fun janky oldschool ps1 jrpg, good ost but couldn't call myself a fan of the graphics/aesthetic. story was nice and engaging though. i can tell why this one's a classic

also i found out there's a dupe glitch you can do almost immediately after getting the party together that lets you steamroll through the entire game with max stats. i swear i didn't do it the game is pretty easy without it

(okay, maybe i did after beating the game so i could kill the optional superbosses but listen i was not going to grind for like an hour)

pokémon pokémon pokemon pokemon pokemonnnnnnnonononpokepokepokepoke
What is there to say? Been a long time since I played Platinum. Everything feels really slow, from the framerate to the battle animations. It's not unplayable at all, but it was something I absolutely came to notice. Gameplay is the same ol' tried-and-true formula as any other game. I had some fun revisiting it.

...Though, I'm more of a Gen 5 person myself.