29 reviews liked by Moogyy_

" I rolled a streak of 7 hits in my limit break with a Meteor Barret 9999 finisher "
Me: STFU Zell nobody cares. Annoying ass "chicken-wuss" SeeD member.

" I uhmmm rolled a single Cura in my Slot ability... "
Me: Thank you for this vital support my queen. All hail Selphie from Trabia Garden.

Invisible War to Ruina's Deus Ex

Edit as of 7/25/23:
What the actual fuck

And they say white people have no culture...

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

Why is Sonic driving a car.
Just run you fool.

" Mion can I go to your school? "
" For wholesome doppelganger moment? "
" Yeeeeess wholesome doppelganger moment. "

Actually becomes the writer excuse to justify child abuse like a boss.

it may be misery porn that insists upon itself but its MY misery porn that insists upon itself

If you explained homosexuality to Jabroni he would stare into the sunset and go "Ok..."

Morte (reading the Nameless One's back): "says here you died of ligma"

Nameless One: "what's death"

Morte: "ligma balls"

shinada fights like a gas station crackhead