This game made me throw my controller so many times.

Breaking Benjamin were right to break the disc. Fucking EA.

I gotta say when I first saw this announced, I did not expect much from it. I treated this really harshly but I will be honest when I say: I actually consider this to be a decent game.

The gameplay's a lotta fun. Lot of chaos in the matches and the graphics are excellent. The matches they got are really cool especially the Cage match which for some reason give me good old CZW vibes for some reason so thats cool.

Only downside? Microtransactions. And the gameplay can get a little tedious and repetitive at times.

Overall, pretty good. It might just keep me going till 2K22. lol.

What's good about this game is that every class has their own unique storyline which is really cool. They're all really good and there's a ton of story in this game. If you're a Star Wars fan, this is a must play. And it's free so what you waiting for?

Granted you can only do like more stuff when subscribed but subscribing isn't too bad. If you enjoy the game enough, then definitely do so. Its a good enough game to sacrifice my wallet to and I'd rather do it here than sissy Fortnite.

The gameplay is epic. Its got the MMO style down to a tee and it's really fun. I do get exhausted though from fighting all the time but that's just me being a lazy Sith. Kek.

Overall, this game is good. Expansions are great and player housing is a must have! One of the best Star Wars games out there focusing on one of the best eras in Star Wars history: The Old Republic.

It's still canon to me dammit!

Everything about this game was so fucking awesome when I played it as a kid. Still my favourite all-time Marvel game. (Along with Insomniac's Spider-Man).

Doom in this is the best version I've ever seen. He's just so godlike as a villain and the story is just amazing. One of the best you'll ever see.

Gameplay is good, enemies can be a bit tedious and annoying but still fun to beat some bad guys in an epic RPG which thrives on the story it is telling.

So much to do, so much to see. I just love it! Definitely check it out if you haven't ever.

Get it on PS4 / Xbox One and you get to play as some spicy villains! Woooo!

Bottom line, this game rocks!

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You took the greatest character ever written in this franchise and chuck him the soul-blender for a bunch of fucking anima? That's all we get from this guy?! He should have had a redemption arc! He really should have. Anakin had one, for fuck's sake.

But no, you just made him a little essence that Sylvanas basically tells to fuck off. FUCK. YOU. BLIZZARD. Your story is shit in this game. I fucking hate you for this! Stop simping over Sylvanas. We don't care about her. We wanted our boy back to get the redemption he should have had.

Also, the Jailer just dies. And The Lich King?! No more Lich King! They just make a new fucking crown and give it to a character barely give a shit about.

Way to butcher the best story you ever told, asshats! I'm glad Microsoft is buying you. I hope they make you tell better stories. Because you've been needing that since Metzen left in 2017!

This expansion had so much potential, story-wise. We could have seen legends from the old Warcraft games for the first time ever here. But nope. Barely even touched them. What a waste of potential just so you could simp over Sylvanas some more.

...I fucking hate this expansion now. It's WORSE than BFA. At least that had some cool vibes. This expansion just ended on the sourest note ever.

Please don't fuck up Dragonflight. Though I'm so worried you guys are gonna.

God help us.

I killed everyone.

I won Fortnite.

I am the best.

This game fucking sucks because no Heisenberg. I'm not rating it any higher until they add Walter White into this.

Your move, bitches.


This was my first game on Playstation 3.

And I loved it! Graphics are a bit dated now and the voice acting from Edward Norton isn't great. (Then again, it is Norton. I hate the guy.)

Fun game though. Good to smash shit up as Hulk and easy to finish.

Incredible is a strong word for this game. But I'd say it's cool.

Dude. Darth Vader is in this game. That makes it immediately the best SoulCalibur game.

Not lying, this is the best SC game ever. Everything is just brilliant in this game.

And it was fun to beat everyone in school on here back in the day! Still the Champ.

True legend right here.


It's just a classic shooter. So fucking good.

Better when it first came out though. Kinda went downhill when it went F2P though and the kids started playing. Not gonna lie. Still, seeing them bitch and cry on voice chat is so satisfying. Hahaha!

I main Pyro. Fuck you.

TTT 1 is just epic. A great sendoff to the classic era of Tekken. Bringing everyone back for this game was awesome even though there is no story to it. It's still a lot of fun to play.

The Tag system is cool but definitely needed work on which I'm glad TTT2 upped. And the characters' movesets really started to take shape here.

I love this game more than I should, really. It's just awesome.

And that intro? Best. One. Ever. I just love that music at the start. This game has a great soundtrack to be honest. It hits hard and I love it.

Tekken Bowl can do one though.

Well they finally got it right after the horrible launch. But it's still got a lot of flaws. A lot more fun to play now though.

I still don't get why the controls are so stiff though. Raging Demon is really hard to pull off with the default controls so you gotta reconfigure it to make it work better. For fuck's sake, Capcom. What did you do?!

The Arcade Mode is good. It's cool they let you play through Arcade Modes that resembles the older games. Almost to make up for the shitty Arcade Mode this game had when it first came out. (They didn't even have a final boss set, for crying out loud!). Still hate the bonus barrel stage. I was never good at that. Why not bring back the car? I liked the car stage.

General Story sucks ass. Good job killing off Bison in a bland and horrible story mode which has not aged well. Bison deserved better. GG, Capcom you sick fucks.

Music is so fucking good though. Kage's theme hits hard. Reason why I mained him I am not ashamed to say it even if he's busted.

MESSATSU, motherfuckers.

Overall, it's a step down from Street Fighter IV. They took way too long fixing this game that Tekken 7 blew it out of the water. (Not by much though, Tekken 7's gone downhill too.) But it's still good to play. Especially with the new characters they've added.

I hope SF6 really hits different. Please, Capcom. You're meant to be the King of fighting games. Show us why in the next game.

This game is fucking genius. But it sucks I'm from Europe where some scenes have been censored. What the fuck guys?

But yeah, this game is awesome. Pure South Park at it's finest.

Is it better than Simpsons: Hit and Run? Honestly, yeah it is. Is it better than anything Family Guy has done? FUCK YEAH!

So fucking good, I wanna play it again now.

So yeah I tried this out. And it's just the same stupid shit. Just more buggy and laggy.

GG, Blizz.