Definitely an improvement from 2K15. The Austin Showcase is really fun to play and the gameplay is a lot better than the previous year.

MyCareer is still bland but thats the only big flaw really. A good step in the right direction.

Tekken in Smash is the example of dreams coming true.

Pretty much the main reason I got a Switch really.


Hear me out. I do think this game is visually stunning and great. But I'm sorry. I can't get into it like I did with Fallen Order.

Mainly because of the Star Wars fatigue I am suffering from right now with Mandalorian being very disappointing this season.

Maybe I'll give it another crack soon. But for now, I'm gonna have to leave it be when my drive for Star Wars returns. (If it ever does...)

If I do, it'll get a higher rating. Trust me.

I absoultely loathe this game. I think out of all the Mortal Kombat games, this one is definitely the shittiest. The 3D gameplay just doesn't fit MK at all. I'm glad they went back to 2D with Mortal Kombat 9.

Don't get me wrong. There are some good things in it. The roster's great, the stages are cool and Kreate a Fighter is kinda decent. And Motor Kombat is pretty fun.

But the gameplay is fucked up. The AI is screwy, the controls feel unresponsive at times and Konquest is a total ball-ache following the story of a character who is just bland.

Blaze is a shit final boss. I hate how cheap he is. Just one strike and he combos you to near-death. What a cheap fuck!

Yeah I really dont like this game. I probably hate it more than I should but eh. I don't care. This game is shit.

It's official. Armageddon sucks.

Ok so after giving this a go, I can say that this game is actually pretty damn decent. Don't get me wrong, it has a few problems but it definitely has room to grow.

The matches are great, the gameplay is fun and the controls are quite simple once you get used to them. My only issue with the controls is the timing with reversals and the time it takes to master them.

The roster's pretty solid but they are missing a few stars. And 3v3 would have been nice too.

The matches are great but Casino Battle Royale is very disappointing due to the AI taking forever eliminating people and the match only allowing 4 people in the ring at a time. Shame. But Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch is so much fun I love it! (And it has better explosions than the actual fucking match!)

The creative suite however is the most disappointing aspect. It is so limited and CAW's are gonna look so bland due to the lack of parts. It's a big let down.

Road to Elite is quite fun. I love a good season mode in wrestling games and Road to Elite is a welcome mode for that.

Overall, this game is ok. With a bit of polishing and more matches, it can grow into a great game in time. Let's hope they do that because it has a lot of potential.

Welcome back, Yukes. We missed ya.

Bruh this game is so fucking broken. Definitely 2K's biggest turd so far. The fact that we got stuck with this shit for almost THREE years is a travesty to wrestling fans!

Step Inside. More like step the fuck outta this shithole.

Back to 2K19 for a few years then.

Singleplayer is good. Great story and characters.

Online is a scummy game though. Toxic and sweaty as fuck.

Controversy aside, this expansion is a lot stronger than BFA. But the story is just atrocious.

You take the Lich King. The coolest villain in WoW and butcher him in your opening cinematic. Then you try and give one of the most un-redeemable characters around a chance of redemption? Bruh.

The content is pretty good though, I will say and I do like the zones. I just wish the story wasn't so crap.

I really hope with Microsoft buying Activision, Blizzard will finally wake up and get their heads out of their asses.

The game's fun and all. But the community is so fucking toxic.

Apparently even the developer's a piece of shit too. Oof.

Man. This had promise. But it was just so crammed with shit.

They should have just focused on either the Old Gods or the Fourth War. Not both!

Shit story, horrible dungeons. Even the raids were lackluster. Ny'alotha was fucking horrid and is hands down the worst raid in Warcraft along with N'Zoth was the worst boss EVER!

This is definitely where the Activision Era kicked in and Blizzard just became a shell of its former self. The worst expansion by far. Even Shadowlands is more decent than this shit.

Kul Tiras and Zandalar are banger zones though.

Hands down: the last great expansion WoW ever did. Definitely on par with WOTLK and TBC.

The story was so epic and dark. The music was awesome and the gameplay and zones were so cool. Artifacts rocked and the buildup to seeing the big bad of WoW himself: Sargeras was done perfectly.

Loved the raids too. Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus were just so beautiful and epic to play.

Honestly, WoW should have ended when Legion finished. Metzen stepped down with this last golden egg he gave and this marked the definitive end of the Metzen Era of Warcraft. Just hasn't been the same since.

Legion marked the end of an era. And Warcraft would never be the same after this.



Damn I love that song. GG, Jimmy Hart.

Yeah this game is pretty fun. And the EU version is even better with the extra character like Kendo Nagasaki and Big Daddy.

Needs a lot of time to master the controls but still a fun wrestling game.

Man this had so much promise. The hype surrounding this one was insane. It started out really well too.

Then Blizzard dropped it for 6 months to focus on Shittywatch and Legion. Kinda sad really. I dont think they knew what to do with this one hence they left us in our Garrisons.

The last patch when they finally made it was pretty meh too. The story was just really off. They were just on auto-pilot for that one and this expansion was just really sad.

Oh well. Least we got new models.

Riiiight. Time to lay it all out. MoP was actually a really good expansion.

I do remember it looking really ridiculous but as the expansion went on, it honestly got more and more interesting. Fun raids, good story and Pandaria is a beautiful place to explore. And the music is so touching too. I really enjoyed this expansion from start to finish. No shame there.

Siege of Orgrimmar was awesome too. One of my favourite raids of all time.

The most underrated expansion. If you look at the expansions we got now and hated MoP, you owe this an apology big time!


Better than Minecraft.
