More of what I expected for an Ys game. Am still working on Memories of Celceta.

I was put off by how different it was from Ys VII on the PSP, but powered through for completion. Those last couples NG+ hunts nearly ruined me.

Having never played the first one, I leapt into this knowing nothing and enjoyed myself... save for some annoying enemies and cheap deaths early on.

Not NEARLY as bad as a lot of the reviews say. It's not CLASSIC Saints, and it's not 3/4/GooH Saints. It is, skeleton-wise, however, still the gameplay loop of the latter three simplified to a point. THE LARP MISSIONS MADE ME BUST OUT LAUGHING.

Played this in 2012 after a friend recommended it to me. I HAD TO COMPLETE THIS ONE... Even if I was languishing under the notion it had forced Co-Op trophies. IT DOESN'T.

This is the story of one mere Ranger
Who walks so proudly into danger
his life was a lark
then he turned to the dark
And lo, the rocks came from down range-r

An excellent addition to the lore of P5. I LOVED THIS ONE.

MY TRUE DEFINITIVE version of P5, hands down, and the one I'll go back to time and time again... mostly because I traded back my copy of P5 Royal.

I enjoyed the first one. Never completed it, but soldiered on and completed this one, odd choices of side games included!

THIS WAS ONE OF MY MOST FORMATIVE GAMES GROING UP. It made me SOOOOOO unbelievably happy to find this on PS4, I don't care what others think of it.


Expected an anime hack'n'slash with high difficulty.

Got an anime hack'n'slash with high difficulty that serves as a meta commentary on game development. WILD TIMES.


All jokes and goofs aside, these were FUN little games.