I loved Vanilla P5. I cannot now, and will never stand by what they did with this rerelease, adding so little and expecting full price for what is effectively an expansion pack that would have run you 20 bucks in the 90s/early 2000s. What a load of disappointment... AND THE LESS I TALK ABOUT TYCOON AND THE THIEVES' DEN, THE BETTER.

Easily the lowest point of the Persona 5 journey. Why we needed XCOM: Persona 5 Edition, I don't understand, but we have it now, and I want it to go away forever. And why was I lied to by every single guide claiming that you're not level-gated for fusion after NG+ WHEN THEY STILL TOTALLY DO THAT?! Thisnis getting traded away once I have that final platinum trophy. I'm one away, and I'm NOT stopping until I have it out of sheer spite. Atlus, fo BETTER, NOT GREEDIER.

This game was made by idiots who don't understand that cars aren't coated in flubber, can't bump THROUGH other cars, and that race rracks should be wider than a hiking footpath AND not riddled with multiple blind hairpin turns into nothing. AND TO HELL WITH WHAT THEY DID TO THE BATMOBILE.

. . . I don't like memory games. THIS IS AN EVER-ESCALATING MEMORY GAME.


. . . I was recommended this game by someone working in a Walmart electronics department. The level of frustration I endured by the end of completing this HEAP made me want to Frisby it into a nuclear reactor.

Another lovely mental reset after... THAT GAME... I needed this.

ABANDON HOPE AND SANITY, YE WHO ENTER HERE. it is not worth playing, not worth completing, not worth rating, and not worth a proper review. THE CLOWN-FACED TROLL BASTARDS WHO MADE THIS OWE ME A REFUND FOR THE TIME I PUT INTO THIS MISERABLE EXPERIENCE!

After struggling with a certain other game I'll be getting to soon... I needed a mental reset. This was that reset. Felt good to play, and better to complete.

This was more of a pain than I expected, and took a lot of nerve steeling to finish out, ESPECIALLY for that final encounter on the hardest skill.

I wonder when the DLC will come to PS4/5...

A new game for a new year... whose completion ended up being a late birthday gift for myself. GO ME!

Sad that I was only able to complete this on PS4 where the OC version has a game-crippling bug... VERY sad.

HARD AS HELL, even on EASY. Back to the Future? Nope, but we certainly went forward to the past.

Was not expecting this when I popped in the game, but that doesn't mean I didn't deeply enjoy it.

Completed the base game and the major DLC. NG+ on Ultra Hard? FUHGETABOUTIT. NOT happening.