Uncharted is one of my favourite series and the 4th game displays it at its best. The changes to the gameplay keep it fun (all hail the grappling hook) and while it has some small issues, the story is excellent and provides a satisfying conclusion for one of gamings best characters.

Uncharted 4 remains as one of the best games on the PS4 and one of the best games of all time

Final Fantasy 8 is one of those games that people either love or hate, and I’m definitely closer to loving it than I am to hating it. It’s got a lot of flaws but once you get into it it’s just so much fun to play. It’s got a unique combat system that admittedly takes a while to understand but is fun enough once you get the hang of it and a story that tries to do a lot, that doesn’t always work, but is engaging enough to keep you interested. The final boss fight is also insanely good and far exceeded my expectations of it (just wish the villain had some more development)

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the crafting one

Colours was my favourite as a kid and after revisiting it its still pretty great. Its got a greater emphasis on puzzle solving than the other 3D games and while I kinda wish that the game was played entirely in 3D, the 2D sections aren't bad by any means. The soundtrack is also one of the best in the series, with a killer opening track and each world having its own distinct sound makes for a set of really memorable songs. The only real issue I had when replaying is that the writing is so incredibly unfunny and cringe that I ended up just skipping the cutscenes. Gotta love sonic teams 2010s humour

“Every soul has its dark” - John Darksoul


Sonic stages 👍👍👍

Werehog stages 👎👎👎

(Also has the best soundtrack in the series)

This is definitely the worst one. I don’t understand why no one during the development thought that something was going wrong. The dungeon design is crappy and the game is difficult in a frustrating way where if you lose all your lives you are sent back to the very start. It’s not the worst game ever made, but I will likely never play it ever again

Pretty great game with some really fun levels. I think I prefer World over this, but for a game on the NES the quality is of such a high standard it’s hard not to love it.

Finally got around to playing the original. Despite being almost 40 years old it’s actually still pretty fun to play in the year 2024. The dungeons don’t really have any puzzle solving to them as most rooms consist of enemies to kill before you move on to the next, but they were still pretty fun to do anyway.

Apart from Death Mountain FUCK DEATH MOUNTAIN

I sold Mario galaxy for this and that’s a decision I’ll always regret

I am never going to Disneyland

Would be 5/5 if there was a fishing minigame

This was one of those games that I played a lot when I was younger but never finished, so I finally decided to sit down and play the entire game. There’s really nothing special here and I was bored the entire time. I did however laugh at one of the jokes, so maybe it is actually good?