17 Reviews liked by Mugenco

A fighting game for real gamers, not like Sleep Fighter and Bitchy GEar

I remember i would always skip the intro as a kid cause that shit was right spooky i tell you waht. Also this soundtrack got some heat kinda crazy that i turned most of it off as a kid

You and your friends will love this game, and love each other while playing this game. Guaranteed.

Great puzzle game, personally one of the greatest of all time... As long as you try not to think at all about the 'deeper' messages that Mr. Blow is trying to get you to think about.

This game can be described in two words. Lazy and unnecessary. It's a game that never needed to be made, was forced upon miyazaki and the crew and was rushed in a year. The game has some of the worst level design fromsoft ever put out put hey the bosses are good right? Cause 15% of the game can just automatically make everything else amazing. The game is filled with super lazy fanservice and everything is ridiculously easy in an unenjoyable way. I tend to make myself forget this is a game lol

Gift of the Magi'd myself. Got this game to support a friend going through a tough time only to learn they thought I bought it for myself, and the tough time might prevent them from being able to play this. My fault! There have never been two good Tekkens in a row, and, well, behold. I'm definitely not just bitter because I became a Ganryu main at the end of Tekken 7 and will almost 100% never get to play my beautiful boy again.

My opinion has shifted on Tekken 8 since it made a splash back in January. What started as a global event and a celebration of Tekken and the FGC as a whole has turned into perhaps the most tilting, dishonest fighting games ever created. I’m not writing this all pissed-off after a lackluster night on ranked. I’ve stopped playing for a few days and I feel no reason to go back.

Tekken 8 is miserable.

The first obvious issue is the heat system. It’s horrible. With a press of a button you get an attack that is fully tracking, plus on block, fast, armored, and launches if opponent is airborne. Once in heat, many characters get insanely powerful moves that do everything. Launch, plus on block, infinite range, you name it. Not only are these moves incredibly unbalanced and braindead, but they rip much on the integrity of Tekken straight out. Tekken has always been a knowledge check type of fighting game. There has always been bullshit moves that you need to lab. However, that’s not the case with these heat attacks. There’s absolutely nothing you can do. There shouldn’t be moves in fighting games with no counter play. They feel cheap to go up against and they feel dirty to use. It’s so disingenuous and braindead.

Heat is not the only problem however. Everything is just so over-tuned. Defense is a guessing game. It seams like every attack clips you if you try to sidestep, even with plus frames.
So many strings jail on block so you can’t duck and punish. Neutral is gutted by insanely powerful WR moves that are nearly homing and grant plus 7 if not more. Low parry was nerfed significantly making defense much worse. Many of the best characters in the game have heat smashes that fully track and grant plus frames, leaving you a sitting duck in neutral.

Defense has been gutted. Neutral has been gutted. Offense has been simplified with braindead moves. Pluggers are still a problem. Rank boosters quit after one lose. Feng still isn’t nerfed. Dragunov is still doing 70% on one launch. Devil Jin still has his heat smash. Xiayou still has a mid-mid-mid string that’s plus and a non-launch punishable unseeable snake edge. Counter-hit and homing throws are still a problem.

With all these factors, I find myself wondering: “is this even better than Tekken 7?” I hold out hope that with some balance patches and some key nerfs that Tekken 8 can still be the greatest Tekken. But as of now? It’s probably the worst Tekken of my lifetime.

Did you know? It's well documented that first lady Hillary Clinton was an avid player of the Game Boy during her husband's presidency. However, what isn't as well documented is how she loved the handheld system so much that she bought two of them to give to George Bush and Dick Cheney before their inauguration as a symbol of goodwill among the two parties. Bush and Cheney reportedly loved Metroid II in particular so much that the game's plot about the Galactic Federation making up some bullshit about dangerous weapons and sending Samus to SR388 was what inspired the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

Great game to unintentionally start massive arguments about in Discord servers

While I prefer the other three games in the series that I've managed to finish (6, 7, and 9) by a fair margin, there is something to be said about how the original Final Fantasy nails the feeling of creating your own adventure more than most later RPGs and wears its D&D influence on its sleeve. For instance, I did a playthrough where I role played as four beings of pure evil.


Zero is one of my all-time favorite fictional characters, and at one point he was the favorite, not only that but I always wanted to play as him in X1, however the previous hacks that attempted to do this couldn't always get everything right, one not being able to implement Zero's hair and another using his X3 design even though Zero's not supposed to look like that yet, just a few examples so I'm happy to say that this hack finally perfects the Zero in X1 formula!

not only does Zero have his hair but his sprites actually match his X1 design (LET'S GOOOOO) and on top of that his Lv. 2 Z-Buster color is blue just like the one he shoots at Vile, while having a nice switcheroo with a green Lv. 3 Charge Shot. all the instances of X's UI have been properly replaced too: a Z on the health bar, Zero appearing in the opening and stage clear, the 1UP heads that look like Zero, also the silhouette during the ending cutscene is a nice touch, makes me wish the actual game did that. not only does all his sprites look natural, but so is all the new dialogue for this hack. not only is X still X but I appreciate that the Dr. Wily hologram doesn't go "haha I'm....LE EVIL!!!!" but instead is portrayed as a mysterious ally that might have more importance then you think. the new post-credits dialogue is also nice and might I say a better sequel hook than what the actual X1 does. gameplay wise Zero shoots a little higher and he can also jump higher, as well as deal more damage compared to X. Zero does use up more weapon ammo then X does but the Special Weapons in X1 are so good that it shouldn't matter too much. some of the bosses were also changed up a bit, for example Flame Mammoth's attacks have less breathing room, Armored Armadillo's rolling is much faster, and Chill Penguin's slide....slides more, props to making Chill Penguin more challenging.

unfortunately there's something about the hack I'm really mixed on, and that's the dopplegangers some Mavericks have during the Sigma Fortress stages. you see I'm a weird guy, I'm the type of person that plays X1 by collecting all the Armor Parts but skipping the other collectibles, as well as restricting myself to the Buster during the boss battles. the Storm Eagle doppleganger fight was surprisingly fun with the Buster, unfortunately I can't say the same about the other ones, especially Sting Chameleon that one was a bit of a pain especially with his invisibility mechanic affecting both of them at the same time. I was also surprised that Velguarder has one as well, isn't he supposed to be the warm-up before Sigma? I appreciate the Lv. 4 Charge Shot doing more than one damage to Wolf Sigma to compensate but now it deals too much damage to the point where it can kill him in just three shots, making the double doggys more difficult to deal with then the actual final boss. I'm kinda mixed on this mechanic in general like what is this, X Challenge? forgive me if this came across as rude, I just feel the dopplegangers a little unnecessary. outside of that the only other negatives are just personal nitpicks of mine (why is there a random Hoganmer at the beginning of the intro stage, why isn't X's theme Central Highway so the song doesn't go unused, why won't Zero be my friend), but I'm nowhere near a programmer so I understand that a hack like this requires a ton of work and time, I respect the craft.

for me I'd rate this hack four stars, but I don't want to ruin the 5.0 Avg. Rating it currently has so I'll just leave my rating blank. if you're itching to properly play as Zero in Mega Man X1, this hack is a must. shoutouts to CF for making this as well as Falchion22 and Programmer Peru for laying the groundwork. it'd be cool to see a future update but if we don't then it's all cool, would highly recommend playing

the audiovisual harmony of Klonoa 2 had me tearing up at multiple points and the gameplay is more or less up to the same standard as the first so I'm inclined to believe this is one of the best video games I've ever played.