Had a lot of fun with this game, I really like how this tiny development team made two different routes with completely differing plots and character abilities. It was fun for what it is, and if you can get it for 10$, you get around 10 hrs of enjoyable gameplay. The bosses are cool with the endgame ones being rather difficult.

This game is absolutely fantastic on nearly every level but the main story. The MQ is just a little storyline like in the mobile game that takes place on one island. Nothing super significant really happens, but the spectacles are great. The story mostly shines in the Fate Quests where you can learn about every character and see how they interact with the world (favorites being Cagliostro and Id).

The gameplay is probably the best for any action RPG ever. I mean that. The combat is fluid as water with so much control given to the character to create any build desired. Every monster is unique with awesome combat moves that require thinking to dodge and react. The coop in this game is just the cream of the crop, absolutely grand.

Character designs are awesome with art that reminds me of the original final fantasy games. Favorite designs are Cagliostro, Djeeta, Lancelot, and Charlotta.

Overall, this is a must buy. It is too good. The only reason I gave it an 80% is because of the main story, but if you just want a game with borderline infinite play value, buy this now.

This game is really hard to rate. The problems stem from how the story, voice acting, and difficulty are all so horribly bad that they make RE1 original look good. But the gameplay was so enjoyable on a fundamental level that it really makes the game worth playing.

The story is just an absolute mess with plot points that go nowhere, the will they won't they romance for 25 hrs., Claude's harem, and really bad character development. The most notoriously bad thing is the fact that the main villains are only explained in an optional text document that 99% of people will miss. The characters also speak in run-on sentences throughout the game, which is jarring. The voice acting in general is horrible except for the two primary characters. The translation is pretty bad from the original Japanese as well, making everyone way too obsessive over Claude than in the original game, no clue what the localizers were doing there.

Gameplay is amazing for the most part. The combat is a little too simple, but the fact that you can choose to break this game through being smart with the crafter is genius. All characters play roughly the same, but their special moves are unique. The world map is amazingly awesome, a true highlight to the gameplay.

Overall, I recommend this game, but be warned that the characters and story are awful in almost every way.

The game is fun; however, there is a big problem, the difficulty. The beginning up till the middle was amazing. It gave new classes that had new synergistic skills working with each other unit to make your own customizable kill squad, but eventually you lose interest altogether as you steam roll mobs and bosses with little effort.

The story was enjoyable but suffered from too many differing characters from each continent, that it made it more of an episodic game rather than an overall cohesive narrative.

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This was disappointing. That was an awful ending.

Story (1/3) - It was so good till the halfway point. Just randomly Nazamil decided to leave the group, then the story was fetch quests the video game for 4 hours. Then you find out Nazamil is turning people into slaves....how??? She is now just able to activate the mauzaliums. Then she suddenly listens to nobody when they meet. What a destruction of character development. She was an interesting character till then. Horrible writing. Then at the end, she just leaves and they let her....after the whole point of the game was that she is alone and everyone treats her badly. As if people will forgive her for making them slaves. This was so bad.

Gameplay (2/3) - Same as the main game. The only real issue is that enemies are too tanky. Why do they have so much health, makes boss fights almost 30 minutes long at max level.

Performance (2/3) - Voice Acting was really bad during many skits, where the VAs sound like they gave one shot to read the lines. Graphics are amazing, absolutely beautiful. Some FPS drops in the more graphically enhanced areas.

Played on PS5

Story (1/3) - The game really tries to make a comprehensible plot but the Voice Acting and overall presentation is so goofy. Doesn't even try to explain how one single man can solo the entirety of the chimera. He isn't infused with alien DNA, just a foot soldier.

Gameplay (1/4) - You want to suffer. Then you should play this game. The horrible aim will make you rage, the constant barrage of enemies swarming you as you try to pray for the controls to function will drive you crazy. A never ending copy paste mess of a game with copy paste hallways, enemies, and mechanics. Awful in every way.

Performance (1/3) - Voice acting is really bad. Graphics are psp, so these would look pretty good on it, but upscaled on ps5...no. The game is at like 15 fps locked. Just don't play this.

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Story (1/3) - This game utilizes Deus Ex Machina plot points that ruin any risk the party may endure. SPOILERS: Two of the biggest contrivances being the baby switching and Mirror Face. I personally never connected with the characters, and never saw any growth from Ichiban. The man trusts the guy who shot him, left him in prison for 18 years, and disregarded him upon release....that really tells you about his character. The game also drops plot points throughout such as the counterfeit money plotline and the revenge for the pimp plotline. One of the worst plots in RGG history.

Gameplay (2/4) - The series switched to turn based combat which was detrimental to the overall scope of gameplay. It tries to copy from dragon quest, but fails in nearly every single way, leading to skill spam of only 1-3 skills out of the hundred due to improper balancing. Bosses are immune to nearly all status effects, rendering half a character's kit useless. The animations for the skills are nice looking and very impactful. Minigames were half and half for enjoyment. The True Final Millenium Tower was the biggest waste of time to grind for, don't do it.

Performance (2/3) - The game on ps5 had stuttering issues and random frame drops when wandering the three cities. Voice Acting was decent for most characters and absolutely awful for the side characters. Menus were slow and obnoxious to navigate, especially the taxi system.

Overall, I do not recommend playing this game for people who take stories seriously or those who are turn-based aficionados. If this is your first TRPG, then you may enjoy this a lot though.

Story (1/3) - One of the weakest entries in the neptunia spinoff universe. It was really boring, and the writing for characters like Noire and Neptune felt off. The story was extremely generic, which is unfortunate, as they have good villains (like Steamax from VII) that appear then leave too quickly.

Gameplay (2/4) - Really underwhelming gameplay this time around. Better than Sister vs Sister, but the weird delay between actions causes the game to feel stiff. There are only 10ish enemies in the game, which causes it to feel super repetitive. The menus load very slowly, which gets annoying when you have to change equipment. The worst part of the game is when gameplay is cutoff to show an enemy appear or a gate opening 40x in a level. The abilities did feel strong and good to use, and I loved the throwing/ability mechanics.

Performance (2/3) - Game was smooth with no frame drops. VA is good, even though it is in Japanese only. Personally, I only liked Blanc's VA. No real technical issues other than gameplay impairments with loading screens and transitions.

That ending sequence was a work of art.

Story (1/3) - There is barely any story in this dlc. There are ~10 logs to find that explain bits and pieces, but overall it doesn't justify its existence.

Gameplay (2/4) - This dlc adds 2 new armor sets, a few new weapons, and 2 "new" bosses (really only one). Not a lot of content in this to justify more than a dollar. You get maybe one hour of gameplay.

Performance (3/3) - There were no bugs. Voice acting was well done. Acted exactly as described.

DO NOT PLAY THIS ON PS4 --> Unless you can modify dead zones on your controller.

Story (2/3) - Honestly, a fun story that doesn't take itself seriously. It is ridiculous and as American as you can get. The jokes made me laugh quite a bit. Although, it was rather short.

Gameplay (1/4) - This game cannot run. This port is so bad that it made me have to use modified controllers to change the dead zones so I could somewhat aim without input lag. They should be ashamed of themselves for releasing this.

Performance (1/3) - Game ran at 30 fps on newer hardware when Ubisoft could have easily made it run at 60 fps. Voice lines would replay over and over. Sound files for guns would randomly play in the background like a rapid-fire machinegun (requiring a restart to disable). Just horrible all around.

Story (1/3) - This is one of my least liked entries in terms of story. The plot went where the writers wanted it to, utilizing Deus Ex Machinas or characters that were never introduced or foreshadowed to move the story along. While the characters were fun, going from comedic to serious just doesn't work. Felt like a typical shonen style manga.

Gameplay (4/4) - Honestly, a perfect stepup from the previous entry. Reincarnation is fun again, no ridiculous stats like in D6, game is as fast or slow as you want it to be. Carnage stages added new elements which really made me think. Great job.

Performance (3/3) - Everything worked perfectly. No frame drops. No large errors. Trophies were bugged, but easy fix when you go to D-merits. Visuals were nice and clean. The Voice Actors did such a good job, especially Pirilika and Fuji.

Gameplay (2/4) - This game exists to make you suffer. Enemy placements are outrageous and only there to waste your time. Playing through the levels feels like you are trying to run past everything so you don't die, just for a lame pull and push puzzle to stop you every 5 minutes. Umbral is pure pain, enemies spawn infinitely and horde you, making exploring a chore and a hassle. The combat feels fine when the game isnt running at 20 fps.

Story (1/3) - This game is like other souls genre types, where you have to watch videos on YouTube to get the story because they locked it all behind reading item descriptions.

Technicals (1/3) - This game crashed constantly. Umbral ending wouldn't work without an exploit to make it happen. The game runs at 20 - 40 fps constantly, making combat horrible to fight through. The worst offender was when the game corrupted my save file, thank God I had a backup. Visually, the game is beautiful which is why it isn't a 0/3. Very pretty game.

DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME. It is an unfinished garbage mess.

Gameplay (4/4) - Absolutely fantastic. Smooth. Allows for people who excel at deflecting to destroy this game. Throwables were actually useful and melt bosses.

Story (2/3) - Emotional and a great twist on Pinocchio. All characters have a backstory that was interesting, even the puppets.

Technical (3/3) - Game was smooth, no frame drops. No crashes. Fluid movement.

Gameplay (4/4) - Plays exceptionally well. All weapons have a good design and feel fluid to play. Combat is fast and fun. Perfect.

Story (1/3) - The characters were the only good thing in this game, story wise. Unfortunately, the overall arc is bloated and bland, with no real factors that make it interesting.

Design (2/3) - The sound, art, and VA is phenomenal. However, the game suffers from many bad level designs that feel either empty or maze-like in structure.

Pros: Cool setting, Easier DRPG for starters to the series, Soundtrack, Character/Enemy Artwork, Game tells you exactly what to do/where to go, Luci

Cons: Maps can be annoying, Not enough skills or room for proper builds, Gear is annoying to grind out, Not enough enemy variety, Postgame was a grindfest with little reward

Overall: 7/10 for a DRPG - Definitely a good game overall
Main game is worth finishing, Postgame is bad.