I was really enjoying the first game! Sure the graphics weren't the best but what they were going for with the screen changing a lot of the time was pretty cool! There were a few moments of solid tension. The second "game" was enjoyable but really short. I was not a fan of the Pigs game, way more walking through the levels than anything, zero tension and extremely boring. Kinda killed the experience for me.

The art style was so captivating I had to play it! Cute little game with some challenging puzzles. The lore was a little overbearing but I still enjoyed it! The score was so much fun also!

This log is for getting the platinum. After the shock and pleasant surprise of the new MW reboot I was really excited for this story. But it fell so flat. maybe having the same title as the best COD campaign wasn't the smartest move. What I did really enjoy was that every level brought something new to the game which kept things interesting! The spec ops missions were fine. A lot more expensive which made them feel grander but I was hoping for like twenty small missions my friend and I could play just like the good ole days.

Wow I totally understand the praise for this game. It was so much fun and extremely entertaining. This is probably the best video game based on a film franchise that is a sequel to those films.

On par with the first game, though I am getting tired of games revealing the hints to puzzles within seconds of encountering one. Aloy NEVER stops talking and it got annoying. Combat with the machines is always fun, the game was beautiful, and being able to fly gave me a reason to explore the whole map again.

RIP to this game... I had potential but backlashed from the community for the right reasons, I still had fun and got the platinum so it's a win win!

A plat I abandoned just over eight years ago and thought it was time for a revisit. I had some much fun replaying this and it surprisingly holds up! I would love a sequel

Came back to finish the plat it was a nice revisit loved the campaign. Feels good to get the platinum over six years later.

Man... Screw this game. My friend and I try to find co-op games to play together and we thought this would be fun because we both enjoyed the two Wolfenstein games. We are also trophy hunters. This is probably my most hated platinum. The grind is unbearable to the point where my friend and I played more alone than together. But ignoring the trophies the awful dialogue and boring repetitive gameplay doesn't save this game at all. The only thing I can give praise is that the developers knew this was lackluster and only charged $30... Luckily I bought it for $5

Finally getting around to this game series. Damn, do I regret not playing this when it came out. I feel like it just went under my radar since I didn't get my PS3 until 2010. Regardless I just played it and had a blast. The atmosphere is by far the best part. I would just wander around looking out windows in awe of the imagination. I knew there was a huge twist in this game but luckily I stayed away from it and it still holds up especially in an interesting view as a gamer. Cool shit can't wait to play the next two games.

My friend played this for the fast plat but also said it had a sad story in it. Which it does, and the message the creators wanted to get across is a powerful one. It's hard to rate this but if you are a trophy hunter you'll eventually get around to this.

Can't believe I came back and got this plat. I'm shocked I gave up in the first place, sure it was a bitch on some levels but it wasn't impossible. Regardless it felt good to get this.

Combat and level format is definitely improved. The atmosphere is still there, yet the story just isn't as strong and some areas can feel the same unlike the first game where there was completely different areas. Still really enjoyed it!

Very fun little souls type game. Really enjoyed the story and the art style is beautiful reminded me of the Redwall book series.

Coming into this game with zero hype or expectations. It's pretty enjoyable, nothing will top the horror and originality of the first game but knowing the developers promised to make this game completely different is and understatement. Worst part for me was portions of the game play like the same style of enemies or basic map layouts. But the story is extremely engaging and the world building is spectacular.

I'm not a fan of the dlc I think it tries to hard to connect to the first game where it doesn't have to. You set up this idea of all the doors that have a man and a city you don't need these two to connect.