Now this, is Halo. Arguably the best game in the franchise, Halo 2: A is an amazing remaster that even allows you to play the game with the original shades if you want. Halo 2 has a great plot, and overall is a great FPS game.

I mean, its arcade Halo. What did you expect, a non light gun shooter? Its a game, worth play if a huge Halo fan, otherwise skip it.

Who tf is Spartan Locke? Oh he's not relevant in future games? Cool. Halo 5 sucks. I disliked everything about it, the story, the gameplay, just everything. Why did this have to happen 343?

Great way to experience Halo in the modern era, too bad Halo: CE has a bad pc port.

What happened? Infinite is just not fun. I loved the older Halo games, but Infinite is just boring and drawn out.

Amazing short Halo experience, loved the ODST team and story.

How the mighty have fallen. Halo 4 was disappointing in with the new weapons and the story, and overall didn't feel like Halo to me.

Wow. Reach was a huge send-off for Bungie Halo, and one of my favorites in the whole franchise.

Cheif's back at it again with my favorite Halo so far! Loved just about everything in Halo 3.

Cheif's first adventure was super fun! Loved the Truth and Reconciliation and the snow levels.