Fun game. Pissed me off, but still fun. Not much in a replayability sense, but still fun

Fun. Not real chess, but still fun. Got destroyed by my friend who's ass at chess, and i'm just so much better than him in chess, but he's good at fps games

This game was one of the best co-op experiences that i've had. Incredible game. I have quite a few zombie games, though I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but this one was different

Played this game on switch and got heaps of fun from it. Definitel lots of better games out there but i have so much nostalgia from when i was about 12 with this game

Genuinely really enjoyed this game. Buy it on sale if it's really cheap though. Short, yet sweet game.

genuinely peak game. Played this before arkham asylum and now i wanna kms

best assassins creed game in my opinion

Lots of nostalgia connected to this one but is just such a good game. Ezio trilogy was definitely the peak of assasins creed

Was really fun back in 2020 but community fell off now

this story, is just chefs kiss. 10/10 shoulda won GOTY

played this game initially on Xbox 360 back in 2012 or 2013. Still playing it till this day. Awesome game

Incredible game. After you do pacifist/neutral route, the genocide and true pacifist route just have amazing story. Genocide route will ruin you tho. Music slaps so hard that I have some songs in my gym playlist