Replay from last year! This year I decided to be naughty so I could unlock new content.

The game is honestly the best pokemon game I've ever played, but I made the horrible mistake of playing on a 3ds, so I couldn't use speed up lol. I got halfway through, then I got super busy so I couldn't give the game much time.

One thing to be sure though, I will DEFINITELY be playing this game again.

I dropped the game near the end of the year here because it's just kinda boring honestly. I got pretty far but I just don't care. I'll play it in full at some other point when I go all in on playing every single YS game.

They finally made a good pokemon experience. I didn't think it was possible. When I played this DLC expansion, I didn't think "It's good but..", I just thought it was enjoyable.

The music is good as always. The music is always phenomenal in these games so it's no surprise, but the final boss theme and wild battle themes especially were great.

When I played the DLC I used pokemon that were on par and sometimes below trainer levels, and with that being said, the DLC is challenging. I didn't use a hyper-optimal team, I just used an amalgamation of my in-game teams and new pokemon I caught in the terrarium, but I felt I used actual strategies, and the games tough. I can imagine a more casual fan who has less mechanical knowledge would probably have to grind to near max level. Luckily because i'm an untouchable video game messiah I was able to beat all my fights at the same level.

The fights were honestly just mechanically interesting. opponents used cheap stuff like intimidate and stuff. Kieran uses a VGC style Incineroar.

The new section below area zero is honestly just a bit of a letdown. No new pokemon to catch is the real reason, unless you want to count Carbink, but unless that thing has some weird scientific name I don't care. The final boss is phenomenal though. It's quite possibly the best final boss the series has ever had actually, although really the only competition is like N and Ghetsis.

Kieran is probably also the best mainline pokemon character, maybe ever? He just has a really satisfying arc and you honestly feel bad for him even when he's being an ass. I still dislike that we lied to him about Ogerpon in the first DLC, because I wouldn't of and my character is supposed to be a self-insert, but I can live with it if it means I get to fight him with Ogerpon and see him just get all pissed off at me.

Overall just a great pokemon experience. I will likely replay the game next year in order to play both DLCs simultaneously with the story rather than just slapping it on top. That is clearly how Kitakawmi is supposed to be played anyways. Perhaps my overall opinion on the base game will go up.

This review contains spoilers

Honestly didn't expect this to be good, but I went in with an open mind. Surprisingly, it was good!

Still has issues the base game had like horrible graphics and performance. The combat also still feels clunky and slow although I feel that's inevitable for any pokemon release unless they want to completely revamp it like Legends Arceus, and they should.

The story is short and sweet. It has a pretty neat concept and nothing overstays its welcome. I feel like it's kind carried by its concept though rather than the writing, although that's a problem with literally every single pokemon game. It kinda pisses me off that our self insert character ends up lying to the poor kid though because I didn't choose to lie. Its so odd when games make a blank MC but then have them make decisions against the players will. Devs should pick a lane and stay in it.

I played the game on my copy of Scarlet and for a few of my party members I used my team from Violet because all of my Scarlet team was too high level. I also threw on an Iron Jugulis that it natively caught in Scarlet because I was messing around with union circles. I found the pokemon selection to be pretty neat, although pretty underpowered? Too many shitmons like Ariados and Mightyena all over the whole map. I added a Kommo-o, Ribombee, and Dipplin to my team, and although they were neat im kinda just walking away with Ogerpon and Dipplin.

The music was great as always. Pokemon is kinda like Sonic in the way that no matter what the OST is good. Kierans battle theme was a highlight. Sometimes the OST wouldn't exactly fit the tone though? Like when the loyal three was revived it played this kinda funky song instead of something more alarming or sinister. Maybe im just nitpicking. I found all the area themes to be quite nice, with the main town theme being a great highlight.

I had a lot more to say about this than I expected. I feel like I just kinda wrote down a stream of conciseness and complained for most of it. I honestly had fun though! I'm actually excited for the Indigo Disc.

This update pisses me off because I actually really loved it up until the boss rush

Amy and Tails felt amazing to play as, and the idea of playing as Knuckles stimulates my brain even if he's kind of awkward. They all had pretty fun platforming challenges.

Sonics Trial Towers were actually amazing to me, so stressful but so rewarding. Because I don't have brain damage, I figured out you could try to save yourself whenever you fall instead of just restarting like all the dumb ass redditors did.

The final boss was also one of the best in the entire Sonic series. It felt so rewarding to piece together how to beat it blind, and using the perfect parry against it feels amazing.

The part that makes me not give this 5 stars is the boss rush. Actually the most frustrated I've been with a game in my entire life. Giganto is kinda fun to wail on and I managed to beat him in like 40 rings if I use both my charged up cyloops. I usually settled for 60 rings and a free cyloop though, because Wyvern is the biggest bitch alive. Clearly not meant for perfect parries. Clearly meant to have rings to collect while you fly. Clearly a piece of shit. Knight is cool tho

I still gave it a really good rating because if I just let go of my ego and did the boss rush on easy I wouldn't of hated it. When I eventually replay the game i'll definitely be playing on easy for this. Everything else was super fun.

Sonic is back

I skipped this game and waited this long despite being a sonic mega fan simply because of how hard Forces and Colors Ultimate burned me. I finally decided to give it a chance.

Honestly the first 3d Sonic game since Adventure 2 where I actually like how he controls. It's honestly just fun to run around and jump.

The story is also probably the best the series has seen, maybe only topped by Adventure 2. The game makes like everything canon and manages to be good despite the clusterfuck. People complain about certain story moments, but I genuinely don't get why? I think they just misunderstood them.

Super cool game. I'm actually excited about Sonics future

Only 6 players have ever beaten this Kirby video game

I hated this game so much that I took the disc and started biting on it trying to break itwith my mouth. I chipped my tooth because the dsic is hard asa rock. FUCK THIS GAME

When im in a boring ass game competition and my opponenent is Pokemon X "oh noes"

Luckily ill still win becasue im GBA Fire Emblem and im the most boring thing alive

Combines two bad things to make a good thing!

What a wonderful game. Amazing cast, outstanding story, great worldbuilding, fun combat, and a cool OST. Truely everything you could want from a JRPG.

I originally just wrote a review where I said this was boring, but I think its worth giving a quick two cents on it.

This game was very close to being the Fire Emblem Conquest of the series, being a game with a bullshit story and amazing gameplay that's so good you play it anyways. Unfortunately the speed stat exists, and it sucks. This game is Pokemon MISStery Dungeon. I played as Riolu and Snivy last time, two faster pokemon. I could only imagine the herculean task of playing a slow starter.

The story also makes me irrationally mad just because its like, pretty close to being good. Unfortunately, the execution is just poor because halfway through they just swap out the entire cast. The previous games didn't have any crazy deep casts or anything but at least they didn't just fuck off after a while. I end up not really giving a shit about the expedition society, and by the time we combine the casts, we're just left with Espurr, so what was the point?

The game always felt like it was trying to be the best game in the series and it kinda just crumbled under its own weight. We didn't need to connect all the previous games and explore other continents. It just continues to contribute to the feeling of aimlessness. If they narrowed the scope of the story and increased the hit rates in dungeons I might actually say this game is just as good as the first two games, but it just isn't.

I saw the video with Nathaniel Bandycam and Scott the Jerkoff where they rank all the Mario games (childrens games) and they put this above New Super Mario Bros U (game that isn't shitty) despite this being a poopy LS Mark cashgrab. Chungus