The game is actually super good, and I definitely recommend it.

With that out of the way, I dropped it. I just kinda feel like I got my fill? It's weird to say about such a big game with so much variety, but I just kind of feel like I got everything I wanted out of it. I'd rather keep the good memories of playing it and finding towers, rather than force myself to do the dull story content. Can't complain about getting a solid 20 hours of fun though. Good game

takes bite of worst most overcokked steak ever "hmm this tastes just like Monster Hunter Tri"

I started to think you couldn't construct a single-player pokemon campaign that is satisfying the whole way through, but this certainly gave me a kick in the ass. This game is pretty much the perfect pokemon game, and I'm not sure any other games in the series even come close to it. It's simply the best.

The main campaign has a decent little story. You're definitely not playing for the actual story, but it's the best out of every normal pokemon game, not that it's a high bar. What it does perfectly though is guide you through the game. It always felt like a push to keep exploring and moving forward rather than an actual main focus.

The teambuilding is astounding. It manages to give you every tool needed to make an absolutely perfect team with so much room for gimmicks and weather, whatever you want. I ended up running a sort of "hazard stack lite" with webs and rocks. I was able to fall in love with Minior after catching it on route 1. It was always a pokemon I liked but it was nothing I really loved because I never used it in my life. Now it's one of my absolute favorites. I really loved using Metagross and its line. It felt useful the entire game, even in that awkward period where it has to just be an eviolite tank. It became my best pokemon after it could mega. The other super notable pokemon I got was the Zygarde I hunted down. I got it after the 5th gym, and was actually super disappointed by how bad it was. Before the seventh gym I was gonna drop it, but then I taught it dragon dance by tutor and found the tm for earthquake and suddenly it became a complete monster, carrying my lategame on its back.

There is a lot of worthwhile side content in the game too. I took my sweet time combing through every town and doing quite a few missions before I even hit the post-game, and it was all fun. I found most NPCs had something valuable to say, and I think that's super cool. The quest to even get my Zygarde required a lot of exploration.

The game also has a full brand new ost. It's like, a full one, not like Insurgence that just has like ten songs. This game has a great soundtrack that I actually would say is better than the majority of official pokemon games, which I already rank quite high on this front. They definitely nailed the normal battle theme, I can't imagine getting sick of it.

Absolute perfect package. Proof that Gamefreak really are hacks. Fan games like this are what make me stay a pokemon fan throughout the years.

Falcoms Turbo Supreme Sorcerers got together to cast this game. They started chanting in tongues. That was until they cast the spell: "Extemeious Middous!". Thus from that day, Mid Xanadu was born

Another brilliant entry in the "Trails of Cold Steel" franchise

What if Three Houses was enjoyable in any way? This game seeks to answer.

I wrote like three different reviews for this game and just erased them because every review was bad. The game isn't perfect but I still think it's pretty fun

Edit: I've been reminiscing about this game and realized its 5 stars actually

I hated this game so much that I took the disc and started biting on it trying to break itwith my mouth. I chipped my tooth because the dsic is hard asa rock. FUCK THIS GAME

Pokemon Diamond: oh boy, I love being the slowest game ever!

I dropped the game near the end of the year here because it's just kinda boring honestly. I got pretty far but I just don't care. I'll play it in full at some other point when I go all in on playing every single YS game.

This update pisses me off because I actually really loved it up until the boss rush

Amy and Tails felt amazing to play as, and the idea of playing as Knuckles stimulates my brain even if he's kind of awkward. They all had pretty fun platforming challenges.

Sonics Trial Towers were actually amazing to me, so stressful but so rewarding. Because I don't have brain damage, I figured out you could try to save yourself whenever you fall instead of just restarting like all the dumb ass redditors did.

The final boss was also one of the best in the entire Sonic series. It felt so rewarding to piece together how to beat it blind, and using the perfect parry against it feels amazing.

The part that makes me not give this 5 stars is the boss rush. Actually the most frustrated I've been with a game in my entire life. Giganto is kinda fun to wail on and I managed to beat him in like 40 rings if I use both my charged up cyloops. I usually settled for 60 rings and a free cyloop though, because Wyvern is the biggest bitch alive. Clearly not meant for perfect parries. Clearly meant to have rings to collect while you fly. Clearly a piece of shit. Knight is cool tho

I still gave it a really good rating because if I just let go of my ego and did the boss rush on easy I wouldn't of hated it. When I eventually replay the game i'll definitely be playing on easy for this. Everything else was super fun.


It sucks to live in a world where nice guys finish last

As someone who deeply loves Splatoon 2 this was an amazing campaign. I don't really like roguelikes normally but this game managed to draw me in.

I don't think they'll ever make something that can top Octo Expansion but this is definitely a successful attempt. Agent 8 just being a really good jobber is always funny and Off the Hook will always be the best idols.

I'm marking this as complete but i'm not nearly done, i'm definitely gonna be 100%ing the game.

The most nothing RPG ever created. It's like if a group of demigods got together and pooled together their creation powers with one goal in mind: creating the most pointless RPG of all time