Second most boring game ever

Falcoms Turbo Supreme Sorcerers got together to cast this game. They started chanting in tongues. That was until they cast the spell: "Extemeious Middous!". Thus from that day, Mid Xanadu was born

A bold game that dares to ask the real questions such as "how can we make an erotica game so complicated you can not play it with one hand?"

I loved this game as a kid. I love the mechanics, theres truely nothing like this game. Unfortunately this is the grindiest game I have ever played. For any story map you need to play a "grinding map" 100 times.

It was made this way because when it was first coming out it was level by level. It was created with constantly playing the latest level in mind. Sadly that makes it awful to play in the modern day.

Also, it's worth noting that when I was a kid I beat the vanilla game. I grinded for hours and exploited all the broken moves. Just want to put that out there so you know i'm a genuine fan

takes bite of worst most overcokked steak ever "hmm this tastes just like Monster Hunter Tri"

I spent like half an hour on this game until I realized it just isn't really my thing. Not going to give it a rating because I didn't play enough to judge it, but I dedicated enough mental energy to it when playing that i'll still count it as a game I played this year. Game requires intense focus. I imagine it's really good if it's your thing

It's kinda like sex but instead of making the hooker mad you use stall teams and make your opponent use self destruct in real life

Decided to play for the soundtrack and yeah, it's pretty banging, but the gameplay is just standard GBA Fire Emblem. For people who like GBA Fire Emblem, good for you! But i'm guessing you also eat stale bread for breakfast and watch the youtube trending page because its the most boring bullshit ever.

The game is actually super good, and I definitely recommend it.

With that out of the way, I dropped it. I just kinda feel like I got my fill? It's weird to say about such a big game with so much variety, but I just kind of feel like I got everything I wanted out of it. I'd rather keep the good memories of playing it and finding towers, rather than force myself to do the dull story content. Can't complain about getting a solid 20 hours of fun though. Good game

Definitely one of the better Fire Emblem games, but this game kinda helped me realize that Fire Emblem as a franchise is a little dull. I think I only realized that BECAUSE this is one of the better entires.

It feels weird to rate a game I dropped this high, but its basically just the original game but better, and I already replayed the original RIGHT before this was announced, so I kinda just got my fill? I replay this game every year or two ever since it came out, and this is the best way to play the game, so 5 stars it is

I didn't have infinite money when Return to Dreamland DX dropped so this was basically my "broke ass eating Lil Ceasers with a glass of water" game. It's pretty standard Kirby fun but I abandoned it when I bought the real ass pizza. Also this was like my fourth replay

I have a really weird and personal reason for dropping this game but the reason is definitely not quality. For sure gonna pick back up

One of the best Fire Emblem games, but it got boring because on Normal mode I was able to just gather overpowered units and stomp all difficulties. I will probably replay on hard mode. Shoutout to Wendy for being probably the best unit in the game