IDK, it's probably a good game, I just don't like horror games or singleplayer FPSes all that much

Funny for about 2 minutes until you realize just how much of a buggy mess it is and how little it has anything to do with actual chess. Seriously, the pieces aren't even balanced according to how powerful the chess pieces themselves are.

This is my "I did not care for the godfather". I tried to like this game, I really did, but it's just so fucking boring. It's an RPG that discourages you from roleplaying by putting anything even remotely interesting on the other side of 10-20 minutes of completely uninteresting walking, only for you to run into an NPC that, instead of giving you an interesting plot hook or questline, just tells you to fuck off or maybe even tries to kill you. Speaking of, it also happens to be a shooter that discourages you from shooting by making combat really clunky and setting you up to lose most fights because apparently they heard that "sometimes you should encourage the player to run away instead of fighting through everything" and decided to make that their whole philosophy on combat. In an RPG. And also, the stuff you get is sometimes worth even less than the money you spent on bullets and/or weapon durability. And so the game opens up the world for you to explore- except not really because if you wander off the road for two seconds you either die instantly or spend all of the game's overly limited healing items to get away with your life. I know it's a post-apocalyptic wasteland where resources are scarce, but if you're gonna have an open-world game like this where I'm encouraged to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them, then maybe don't make it such a pain in the ass to scrounge together the resources to be able to afford to make a mistake in the first place. And then, after all that fucking walking, getting shot at, and wondering when the hell the game starts to have an actual story that you get to participate in instead of just "lol caesar's legion already burned this town you don't get to step in and save them", after 8 hours of my life playing this walking simulator, I finally reached new vegas, and they tell me I need to be richer. That I don't have enough money. Could I have used a high computer skill to convince the robot to let me in anyways? NO! My whole build was having high computer skill and even then it still wasn't enough to let me ignore the stupid minimum wealth thing. It was at this point that I dropped the game, and I don't know if I'll ever return to it. I feel like I played a different game than the one people hype up so much. It just wasn't fun.

They call it paradox games because nothing about EU4 makes sense. I know people with over 500 hours in this game who still have no idea how to play the game. I am convinced that not even the developers themselves understand how trade works. If this game had a physical manual that adequately described all of the game's mechanics it would be too heavy to carry. Overall an excellent game.

This game is a mile wide and an inch deep. It has about 50,000 hours of content and all of it is a buggy mess. Still pretty damn fun though. You just need to accept the absurdity of the game and fuck with it's mechanics as much as possible, I had a lot more fun the less I took it seriously.

I need to learn how to play this game, I heard it's good or something.

This game isn't even finished yet and it's already excellent.

Makes me wish I had more friends

66 hours and I still have zero fucking clue how to play this game

This game is harder than getting approved for HRT in the US. Unlike the American healthcare system, however, this game respects your time.

This game is like that one guy on twitter who keeps telling you to read theory if that guy were a 90 minute video game. Still a decently cute project though.

I'm not going to go back and redownload this 130 gigabyte game when I could just get a minecraft mod that adds dinosaurs and get a much less boring experience.

To compare this game to the classic Paper Mario games as so many have would be to undersell just how incredible this masterpiece of a game is. Seriously, go play it. Now. It was great in all the ways I hoped it could be and even in some ways I never expected it to be. There are only two times a video game has made me cry, and this game was both of them.

What's there to say that hasn't already been said a billion times over? It's got excellent gameplay, a beautiful artstyle and soundtrack, and an absolutely massive amount of content for how polished it is. A must-play for everyone.