I liked a lot of what this game was. There were some fun and zany secrets that I found and probably some that I didn't. It's a point-and-click game so that was the primary gameplay. There were some random feeling minigames but they were fine. The narrative is where it's at with this game and I thought it was good. I loved the setting, being in Louisiana. The art was very creepy and moody.

Just as great as the original. Loved it.

I loved this game. It was charming and very fun. It didn’t outstay its welcome and I had a great time throughout.

Really enjoyed my time. I did all of the side-quests and some of the other stuff but there's a lot here. Some of the stuff I didn't even touch. Good times though. Also looks incredible.

I enjoyed this more than I expected. Very hard but just simple fun.

This is alright. I had to use the rewind feature a lot as has been the case with a lot of these arcade games, but it was fine.

Surprised by how well this has held up. Scary and intense but a lot of fun.

Great music and colorful action but frustrating gameplay and combat especially in the later levels. Unlimited continues are a must for me.

Had some issues with the webcam calibration. Despite that, great story and they got me at the end. Really tugged at the heartstrings.

They did a great job of making someone terrible at rhythm games feel like they're good. Loved the art style, music and characters.

It's alright. They used a pretty standard open-world formula and did a great job with it. I ended up just doing the stuff I liked and ignoring the rest. The ending was kind-of lame though.

A fun FPS but the dialogue gets a little grating. It doesn't give the best first impression, but I enjoyed it overall.

Frustrating. The gameplay seems decent this year but everything around it keeps falling apart, especially Franchise mode and Face of the Franchise. Too many glitches and issues.

The first Fable game that I played. My feelings are mixed. I did enjoy the story and some of the characters but the ending felt rushed and some of the glitches I experienced were frustrating.