80 Reviews liked by NatRop2

they gave one of the worst games to the cutest female protagonist, level-5’s biggest move of misogyny yet

someone at level-5 keeps trying to make "small-scale layton with individual mysteries" happen and it's not going to happen. half the fun of a layton game is watching the plot get gradually more and more absurd as it goes on before you get to the end and everything is wrapped up in a ridiculous plot twist, and that's entirely missing here. also way too many puzzles are just "haha there's a trick answer =)".

most disappointing game of 2017 for me

Game Dev Tycoon is the only game i'ever bought on my phone because you know, if you pirate it you'll have no chance of getting too far into the game. At some point your games will start to get pirated and you'll go bankrupt eventually.
You start from a small garage and you end up growing into a major industry leader. I love the fact that the game begins in the early days of the gaming industry (around the 80s) and progresses through several decades, the furthest I got was to 300 years in the future 😅
The game is very engaging and it gives you freedom, you can create games by selecting various genres, themes, and platforms, and then manage the development process by allocating resources to different aspects such as graphics, sound, gameplay etc.

The game's biggest strength is it's replayability. As you progress, you unlock new technologies, game genres, and research options, allowing for increasingly sophisticated game development. There's also the challenge of staying ahead of industry trends and competitors. It adds a layer of strategic depth that keeps the gameplay interesting over multiple playthroughs.
The biggest flaw of the game is that at some point, you reach endgame and you stop unlocking new gameplay elements. I wish they supported this game for longer and added more depth to it.

All in all, this is a neat and unique idea of a game that gets addictive really quick.
Im sad that i never developed a game that got a pure 11/10 rating:((

this is literally the funniest game of all time nothing sends me into a laughing fit more often and harder than playing jank ass games held together with tape with my friends in a discord call and seeing them break apart in the stupidest ways

when i wake up im grabbing my phone

Fun excuse to go out and exercise. I've made a handful of memories playing this game and have had plenty of fun experiences during events or just regularly playing the game. It's the closest thing to being able to go out and actually catch Pokémon if they actually existed. I'd give it a higher rating, but Niantic is pretty bad at managing this game and make plenty of greedy, questionable decisions.

i may have sold my locational data for 5 years but at least i got some fake animal friends out of it

this really was the closest we came to world peace huh

It should be illegal to make a game this shit and charge full price for it. Granted I got it for free on PS Plus but seriously, this is not a football game.

The tactics don't do anything, the players don't do anything unless you prompt them to pressing R1 or L1, there is no AI intelligence offensively or defensively, it's a buggy mess, and even with the realism sliders put on made by the community, this game is still diabolical to play.

There is a battle pass

For 8 Pool

Playing dumb shit like this was always fun at school....you know instead of doing work. The teacher can give me the math quiz but it’s not as good as this quiz damn it.

A neat piece of internet history but sadly not much more than that...

It's important to understand this isn't just a rage game. Its creator had developed his own reputation & cult following for years before it was made, and this game is full of references to his own work, inside jokes, and general internet culture at the time. This is a time capsule of the late 2000s and his own personal legacy. It belongs in a museum.

Highly recommend reading the Impossible Quiz wiki to understand the logic & reasoning of every question. It shows just how much thought & care went into making it.

doesn't support lgbtq
doesn't like god