If you're interested in this game, just make sure you're not a lonely fuck like me, cause it's kinda multiplayer required, unless you wanna have the most average singleplayer experience.

This game rules, I just happened to play the worst possible version of it. It's a ton of fun, and is now on GamePass, but the Switch version is really poor.


Whenever I start taking estrogen, I wanna become Bayonetta.

This is just a lesser Black Flag with a winter theme. Sure, it's still fun, but it's just a lot buggier with worse missions and a lackluster plot that does nothing with it's defining gimmick. So, like, just play Black Flag.

Okay, I know I'm gonna get weird looks when I say this is one of my favourite games. My lord the gameplay loop of this is one of the most purely fun things in the world. Just plundering ships and stealing loot to upgrade your ship to plunder larger ships to steal more loot to upgrade your ship again, it sounds boring in text, but my lord is is a blast. Definitely falls short as an actual Assassin's Creed game, but I can easily ignore those parts to just have a blast with the ships.

Interesting title full of unique ideas, but lacks the effort that would've made those ideas actually cool. It's clear that the dev team weren't given the budget required to make this game special, probably cause Ubisoft saw it as just a portable side game, which... yeah it kind of is. Also the fucking letter opening and the whole light shit never worked, I swear the Vita could've been a 10/10 console if the first party titles didn't try to force in these annoying gimmicks.

I know this series gets a lot of flack, but I've always enjoyed these games. I wouldn't call them guilty pleasures, because that is a BITCH term for BITCHES, but I definitely don't walk around with my AC Fan shirt. I guess as a non-American, I found the setting interesting, and I thought the plot was one of the better ones up to that point. The new climbing system felt really fluid, especially compared to the stop and go nature of the Ezio games. Sure, it's buggy, poorly paced, and suffers from the typical Ubisoft overstuffing of useless collectibles, but it's still a very enjoyable experience.

Incredible game. Visually breathtaking and thematically rich. I like this game :)

This is not a great game. Technically speaking. The controls are loose, the shooting is mediocre, the graphics are laughably dated, the performance is iffy, some portrayals are cringe inducing, and it's buggy to hell and back. But looking at this game in this way is, in my opinion, looking at it wrong. This is an experience worth having, with some of the best developed characters, one of the most detailed and realized worlds, and probably the most lovable protagonist ever put to page. I can't help but smile whenever I'm driving around town and York starts rambling about whatever movies he has on his mind at that moment. The story is incredible too, with tons of spine chilling moments and some of the most wild twists and turns. This game has to be experienced, to prove that a game doesn't have to be "fun to play" to become an instant classic. This is not a "so bad it's good" game, this is just an incredible game throughout. Just avoid the PC version. That one is a barely functional disaster.